The fungi that have attacked the insignis pine have turned the forestry of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa upside down. Total forestry, which has changed without major ups and downs in almost a century, has been called into question by some worm mushrooms. More than Xixtrin, we will have to say that it is a dance that has ignited and inflated: forestalists, technicians, administrations, forest guards, environmental lovers, muineros, loggers, paper factories, furniture lovers...
In a country like ours, forestry policy should be strategic. It has been for hundreds of years. The forest has been the basis of the economic evolution of the Basque Country: boat construction, construction, fire-ledges, coal, pastures and fodder, food, tools, cesteria, hardware, discovery, water supply, hunting, etc. Forest management was woven into very long-term strategies. Administrations and associations at all levels regulated and cared for the different sections and areas of the forestry sector. Many severe! On the other hand, the life of the whole of society was based on the delivery of the mountain. Because the mountain wasn't just a forest. To meet all these needs of society, they had a more global and comprehensive view of the mountain beyond that of the forest. Everybody. And that's caused a lot of strife. The mountain has been the scene of the struggle for the benefits of each of the carboneros, pastors and livestock farmers, shipbuilders, farmers, administrations, etc. The files are packed with documents that collect disputes about the use of the mountain. Everyone pulling the mountain, sitting and meeting! Thus, the municipalities retained the mountains, the mountains and the public mountains as the most important municipal heritage. It is not difficult for me to imagine the disappointment and sadness of those mayors and councillors who had to sell their land because of the poverty and wars of the 19th century. The most important legacy of the centuries.
Until the oil appeared. Oil, push and push, has brought the mountain to the disciple of the economy and, therefore, of society. Mountain and forest. And some miserable mushrooms opened our eyes. That it does not reach the court documents, but today, if we want a fruitful future, we have no choice but to act together. Leaving aside conflicts, conflicts, despair, sadness, etc., to create the mountain of tomorrow. In fact, last century and last century, we are XXI.ean!
Basotik fundazioa aurkeztu du duela gutxi Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak, lurralde horretako baso pribatuen kudeaketa “aurreratua” egiteko asmoarekin. Baina Gipuzkoako lurrak industria-forestalistaren kolonia edo fabrika handi bihurtu nahi badira, horrek izen bat dauka:... [+]
We are eating at home the last apples we have received since last year, the Malus domestica. The ones that are in shape are cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. The ash, the Fraxinus excelsior, is there, still, safe, waiting longer days to blossom.
In front of our door... [+]
The time when lambs are born is usually a little later, but here and there I have already seen one or the other. When Axuria is born, the mother sheep washes her shoulder licking her body; she is said to love her. The offspring come of all kinds, the mothers are of all kinds,... [+]
On the hill that dominates our house, the farmhouse Aitzondo has ample forests. In the trees a plantation stands out, especially now in autumn. When a tortuous storm is reached by the sea and the hill descends, the ends of these cutting trees appear among the rubble. The tulip... [+]
In the participatory budgets of 2017 a citizen proposed to create an edible forest in the natural area next to the canal of Sarriguren (Navarra). At that time it was not the most voted project and the proposal was therefore rejected. However, the idea of creating an edible... [+]
Saran martxoaren 1etik 3ra burutzen ari dira Zuhaitz mugarroen 2 biltzarra. Elikagaien ekoizpenean soroetan zuhaitzak integratzearen abantailak lantzen dituen agroforesterian gero eta interes handiagoa pizten dute egurretarako bezala aziendak elikatzeko lepatu edo mugarrotutako... [+]