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The PNV is today the most faithful to Marx

EAJko EBBko Andoni Ortuzar presidentea 2018ko Alderdi Egunean.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The world is in crisis. I mean the world in the developed countries of the Northwest. Today, however, our world dominates the whole world. When I was born, our world was also in crisis. They were two worlds: the communist and the capitalist. We later learned that there were two other worlds: the rich north and the poor south.

In fact, when I was born, we were also in crisis, we were poor, but at school, for the Chinese who asked us for a peseta. The hucha said: A peseta for the little bugs.

Today, deep down, there's only one world, because we live in a globalized world. And like when I was born, today too, everyone is in crisis.

What I have written so far seems to me to be a Chinese tale: a Chinese tale.

In any case, the world is still in crisis. The left-wing, anti-colonialist and revolutionary model has been exhausted. The right-wing, Social Democrat and Reformist, is blocked. This has given rise to new ways of making citizenship policy. In the discourse of the experts, we are at the time of a new political paradigm. Alternative movements are the new models of social incidence.

The world is large, so we return to the Basque Country. In the words of Txomin Poveda, a militant and thinker of the alternative movement “it is not enough to be a winner in the institutions to be able to carry out your struggle”. OK. However, at this time of the new political paradigms, there are two indicators that I find paradoxical:

– When I was born, Karl Marx was the ideologist of the thinking of parties fighting the oppressive capitalist world. Today we are fighting neoliberal capitalism. The then system and the present system are similar, but we exploit ourselves.

– In the Basque Country, the PNV is imposed in the institutions in one way or another. Certainly in the CAV. In Navarre it is not, but basically, although it is a minority among the Abertzales, it is she who gets, directly or indirectly, the greatest return to the policy of the main Navarre institution. In Ipar Euskal Herria, in nationalism, the PNV is the minority. The Basque School has just been born, and it seems to me that it is the one that will in the future take the most out of this area of power. Presently, the PNV is the most faithful follower of Marx. I am not referring to Karl, of course, but to Grouco. Marx said: “These are my principles. If you don’t like it, I have others.”

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