The members of the Larrunkoop project have met weekly in the Urruña Post Office since April. What for? For the creation of a consumer cooperative where local productions and organic products are offered for sale. Work has been done in recent months on defining the basis of the project, which will be presented on 12 October. From there, people are expected to meet to open the store they want to set in motion.
Taking as a reference projects similar to those around them, such as Labore or Otsokoop, several friends of Urruña decided to embark on their path. “There is a need to consume differently, because we don’t like the opportunity we have today and look for something else. Otherwise there would not be so many projects going on everywhere,” said Adélaïde Daraspe, a member of the Larrunkoop project, in an interview in Antxeta Irratia.Cuando they learned that in Urruña the epicería of the people was on sale, several people began to meet to open up to the public and create the project. “In our epicy there will not only be food, but everything we need in daily life,” said Arturo Villanueva. Among the products they will offer, their principle is to be as local and biological as possible. “We want to eat well at fair prices, both for ourselves and for producers and for the environment. Don’t do business with life.”
The presentation of the project will take place on 12 October at the Itsasmendi Cinema in Urruña. To be a member of the cooperative, a contribution of EUR 100 and three hours per month of Community work must be provided. When will you open the store? They look towards the new year, but the drivers say that “everything will depend on the number of hands and brains we have.”
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