In recent years, also in the Basque Country, the meat strip has been reduced, as lanjeroski, for producers. Entrepreneurial associations like L214 warn us of the serious betrayal of animals in slaughterhouses and we start every day from the steps of vegans, almost without deciding anything precise. When we go to the supermarket, the chunks of red sows and brunettes that soothe on the shelves make us grow disgust. If the eyes were expressly dyed to throw?
If there is a great deal of silence in the world of agriculture, that is to say, there is a great omission in the dark life destinations of the farmers themselves, both as regards the energy of meat production and the consuming energy. But that they are indebted, that they have learned nothing else in schools, that cooperatives and unions force them to continue along that path, repeating that the satisfaction of all countries is their thing, that it is not true, that most of the food fund is imported…
It is difficult, under these conditions, to change the cultivation model. Perhaps the change comes from the other end of the stick, when the presidio growers themselves draw new food consumption habits into their own taxpayers and low consumers.
For noon? With a couple of leaves of Berdühghme enough...
Alokairuen bidezko espekulazioa oztopatzeko neurria azaroaren 25etik goiti izanen da indarrean Ipar Euskal Herrian. Momentuko, tentsiopean diren Lapurdiko 24 herriei eraginen die: Ahetze, Angelu, Arbona, Arrangoitze, Azkaine, Basusarri, Baiona, Biarritz, Bidarte, Biriatu,... [+]
On November 25, International Day against Male Violence, the Steilas Feminist Union Feminist Secretariat has published a poster: Our body is a battlefield, and all the schools in Hego Euskal Herria have received it. We wish to denounce the violence suffered by women and children... [+]