Watching the shows of Sara Baras is certainly always a pleasure. His clean and stylized aesthetics, his technical perfection and, in general, his exquisite taste, are the main hallmarks of Baras's identity. Apart from that, however, I would like to focus my attention on one specific aspect: the role it gives women in their spectacle.
We cannot say that in Flemish women do not have a leading role. Yes, many times in the world of flamenco there are passionate, also strong ladies, but it is usual that their future is conditioned by men. The woman Sara Baras poses is not one of those women. It is a strong woman, who does not measure herself with a man or taking into account her valuation. In the Shadows montage offered in Bilbao we read the following in the hand program: “I will say that once I was shadow, surrounded, big, small (…). Shadows in me, shadows from me...”
The show had no arguments, but in the scenes in which they were chained the reflections of the woman, the reflections of a woman who dominates herself, without any reference of the man. Baras moves away from traditional flamenco to offer a new perspective.
Beyond the conceptual, the female and male choreographies performed by Sara Baras are very similar, very stylized, as has been said, but without falling into any topic. Baras has an impressive virtuosity in the zapateado, dancing wild and at the same time elegant and aesthetic. On the other hand, the execution of the whole group was impeccable. We should highlight a few moments: A valsa danced by Sara Baras and José Serrano, with music by Keko Baldomero and Leonard Cohen, which is truly exciting and suggestive, and some exceptional tangos danced by Serrano. Serrano is a great dancer, passionate, technically perfect, and conveys a very special value.
The rest, high level. Luis F. The costumes of Dos Santos were sleepy, very elegant; the lighting of Óscar Gómez de los Reyes always achieved a propitious environment and the singers Israel Fernández and Rubio de Pruna performed extraordinary performances.
Noiz: martxoaren 9an.
Non: Bilboko Sarean espazioan.
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