Since September, the migrants' buses have not arrived in Donostia-San Sebastian, and while the reception centre in Zorroaga is empty, fourteen people are sleeping in gaztetxe. In fact, Donostian citizenship and members of different agents created the Citizen Welcoming Network. At first they adapted to the place given by Aralar, but within a few days they contacted the young people of Txantxarreka so that gaztetxe became a “safe space” for displaced people. The young people gave their assent and on 10 August began receiving migrants at Loiu airport.
The aim of the project is to show society the passivity of the institutions, to denounce the situation and to press for the City Hall and the Red Cross to put more resources. They want to turn gaztetxe into a space of passage and not into the house of the displaced. At the moment, the project has been divided into two phases: the first, the reception and referral of migrants to their destinations and the second, the derivation of those left in Donostia for the census. The project has been developed by three groups: Members of the Citizen Welcoming Network, Txantxarreka youth and volunteers who do not attend gaztetxe.
The members of the Gaztetxe explained from the outset that the Gaztetxe would become a welcoming space, but not a hotel, managed by displaced people, organizing shifts for cleaning or cooking, always with the help of volunteers. They now have problems covering surveillance shifts and they want to encourage citizens to participate in them. In addition to monitoring, the following working groups are also under way: Communication Group, Infrastructure Group, Food Group and Translation Group.
In gaztetxe the change has been noticed. The people who used to walk have not yet appeared in the gaztetxe, but a lot of people who did not go have come closer. However, the young people have continued their initiatives: since the arrival of the displaced people they have carried out a concert, a film screening and an initiative by the Pirates of San Sebastian. In addition, they have carried out various activities with the displaced: playing ball, going to see the fires in the Aste Nagusia, working together the vegetable garden of gaztetxe, teaching Basque to the newcomers and these to the young, swimming courses, training with the football team of Antigua Luberri, participating in the solidarity concert held in Doka, receiving classes in the EPA...
The building owned by the Gaztetxe is the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián and is about to sign the concession for four years. They say yes and they believe that these kinds of projects give strength to the young man.
The members of the Gaztetxe think that the neighborhood and the city are responding well: The Bretxa fishermen, for example, climb the fish to gaztetxe every Saturday and a Oiartzun cooperative takes the vegetables. One of the members of the youth assembly claims to have developed "a small family" and recognizes that there are people who are maintaining contact with the displaced.
Seventeen people have come to the gaztetxe and more than 500 beds have been offered (many people have repeated it). Now there are fourteen people living in gaztetxe. What was originally a passing building has become for some in a house for a month. In the gaztetxe people of all ages have been living, but the protagonists have been two: Sara (four years) and Malik (one and a half years). Marie Mar, 33 years old and mother of these two children, reported that the start of the trip was quite simple, as it was made by plane from Côte d'Ivoire to Morocco. When asked about Morocco, the hardest time of the interview has come. He just said it was “very difficult” and has started to cry. The displaced people of the area have shown us a video of Morocco: those who arrive by fleeing live in the forests and if they are intercepted by the police, they drive back some 1,000 kilometres. It is common that on this return trip the displaced person breaks the bus window and skips with the bus on the go. In the video you see two people lying on the ground, after jumping in motion, being hit by a truck. You see an ambulance, but it doesn't do anything to help the two coworkers who are on the ground. Mali and Sara were also in the forests of Morocco waiting for their mother to take the boat. As they slept, the two little ones had been made to the sea. The mother got sick on the journey and started vomiting. Sara wakes up and seeing the situation “We will die! We're gonna die! he screamed. Tears ran out of the little suitcase, but he didn't say a word. The mother says that Mali was “traumatized” at that time. When they approached the Spanish coast, the Civil Guard refused to allow passage, they were rescued when the Red Cross arrived. They landed in Cadiz and from there they went to Madrid. In Madrid they spent a day with a host family and traveled to Bilbao after sleeping in the station. In Bilbao they were also going to sleep at the bus station, but an African brought them to the Red Cross. Then they went from Bilbao to Donostia-San Sebastian and after passing the days that corresponded to them in the host house of Ategorrieta, they ended up in the Gaztetxe Txantxarreka. Marie has nothing but good words for the Basque people, she has regarded the Basques as “very welcoming” people, and also with great respect. He says that children have also been happy and a little upset, with the attention of so many people. Although it does not intend to stay in Euskal Herria, the Basque Government activated the protocol and led the three to Vitoria-Gasteiz. The work of the Citizen Welcoming Network and the success of the protests were destined to Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Larunbatean, hilak 12, Bidasoa ibaia zeharkatzen saiatu ziren hiru migrante. Haietako bik Biriatura heltzea lortu zuten, baina hirugarrena desagertu egin zen. Hura bilatzeko lanek jarraitzen dutenean, Irungo Harrera Sareak elkarretaratzea deitu du astelehenerako, 18:30ean... [+]
Frantziako Poliziak atxiki zuen ostiralean, Gipuzkoa eta Lapurdi arteko muga zeharkatu zuten bost etorkin furgoneta batean hartu eta gero. Bidarten geldiarazi zuten ibilgailua: migratzaileak Irunera itzularazi zituzten eta gidaria Hendaiako komisarian eduki zuten hurrengo... [+]
Irungo Harrera Sareak 2021ko bilana plazaratu berri du. Orotara 4.601 migranteri harrera egin diete.