Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Plant notes pentagram

I intended to come back on a moon, but seven days late, and my grandmother has already started the next round. They say that the return of the holiday is usually hard, at least for those who have had holidays, but just as I like to enjoy the holidays, I adapt to the routine at ease back. And what better than an agenda to march?

At the points of sale we will find agendas related to dozens of reasons, but do you know that of plants? Last year ARGIA published for the first time the agenda of plants and moon; what and how to work every month, sow, change, understand the avatars of the moon... Knowledge of Jakoba Errekondo illustrated by Antton Olariaga.

Key tools and tools

After two successful editions at the Durango Fair, and with a positive assessment, he has chosen to continue in the same style for this second year. Like the previous one, he has generally looked at the garden world, the current one will not give up all that vision, but it will have a particularity. The leaflet, which has already been taken out of the printing press, has focused on the tools linked to land and plants, which like those of yesteryear are widely used today, accompanied by images, explaining the local synonyms, what they are used for...

Therefore, we will have time on the agenda to point to the extent that we are doing the work, but it also provides us with important information to be able to do the work we want to do in the right way and in the right time. Each beginning of the month will have its entry and will explain the work to be done in that month.

The agenda can be purchased here (at the ARGIA Fair) for 12 euros. Also in bookstores, shops and unions related to the garden and farmhouse, in the Durango Fair or in the local talks of Jakoba Errekondo.

You are interested in the channel: Bizi Baratzea
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