In 2002, a member of the Ensure Sustraiak project worked on the idea of creating a school farm in the final project of biology studies. Soon after the end of the race, they got together with a friend and decided to jump from paper to reality: They were the first steps of the Farm School Plot. Since then, despite having changed the location and characteristics of the project, the school farm in Ollarán (Navarra) has remained very alive with one of its initial objectives: to work around the environment and sustainability.
These three spaces are dedicated to environmental education at the school farm. “In the farmhouse, for example, we feed animals and we do animal therapy. In the garden we carry out several activities: water, planting… all working with sustainability principles”, explains Leire Rivas, social educator of the Jorge project. The forest works on respect for nature and ecosystems, analyzes the influence of human beings on the world and reflects on what can be done to make this impact positive.
Workshops and training sessions are also organised: bread making workshops, ointments and herbs workshops or on renewable energies. In addition, at the headquarters of Inca Sustraiak, the professionals who come from outside offer various training sessions on multisensory stimulation or permaculture. Families and groups of friends spend the weekend or eat, schools to encamp, entities with special needs a week… there are many profiles and plans that have room in this space of Ollo.
In 2005, project members began to enter a new world, almost by chance. “During this summer several centers with special needs made their holidays at the school farm.” The social worker explained that it was a turning point of the project: environmental education was then extended to the world of special needs. They decided to move the residence to ensure the accessibility of all people and to adapt the School Farm to the needs of all the public.
Since 2013, it also has a functional apartment for 12 people with intellectual disabilities on the second floor of the hostel of the school farm. “They use it from Monday to Friday to carry out productive and educational activities.” Environmental education and inclusiveness go hand-in-hand at the Uncle Sustraiak School Farm.
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.