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The alphabet for the new life

Abcde (2018). Digitalean koloreztatutako marrazkia paper gainean. 50 x 70 cm.
Abcde (2018). Digitalean koloreztatutako marrazkia paper gainean. 50 x 70 cm.

The Ride The Lightning exhibition, which includes works made with different graphic and ceramic techniques, has remained until July 6 in the gallery and engraving workshop of La Taller de Bilbao, a curious and beautiful exhibition. Like the place itself.

It is curious, although it is too quick to draw conclusions, the trend is evident, among the young people there is predominance of works in two dimensions, drawing, graphic arts, painting, and all hybrids that can be derived from them, taken to any format. In Cartelism in general there is a great level, in graphic design you do very nice things.

Raisa Alava Robina (Ayala, 28 October 1990) is a young woman. It comes from areas that were once despised in the world of art, comics, illustration and ceramics, and it is aware that it doesn't care what others say, that its crazy lives, that it likes to do, that it likes to draw, that it believes its world, or that it offers another alphabet to the world.

The kindness of the artist fascinated me. In an interview he confessed that when he was a little girl, he made a newspaper about his sister, it's the best thing he's ever done. I'd like to see that newspaper. The commission to design wine bottle labels came to him via a plug, as he has a family producing and distributing wine.

The alphabet fascinated me. It has certainly been created to say what cannot be said with the letters and the words, but also not to say what is said with the letters and the words. It's an alphabet that remembers the possibility of another world and a different life. Their mere existence and presence make my words, superficial, frivolous, ornamental useless. Life is there, in that image, in the alphabet, not in words.

In the end, with wandering, a community of strange and fantastic creatures is always formed.

2018ko uztailaren 15
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