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"The Pamplona Municipal Government Team is quite feminist"

  • On the morning of July 4, a seven-degree earthquake was being recorded in the City Hall of Pamplona while we were conducting an interview. His office was still calm. At noon the news was heard: Aranzadi and Ezkerra were left outside the Municipal Government. Berro is a Aranzadi councilor in the area of Equality and Equality and was responsible for LGTBI during the interview. He's already in the opposition.
"Talde feministek diskurtso indartsua jartzen dute eta udaletik oihartzun egiten diogu, horrela asko zabaltzea lortuz". (Arg.: Josu Santesteban)

I do not know if it is clear: Are there more sexist assaults or more complaints?
More complaints. The feminist movement and society in general have done a great job in recent years, and as a result, women have become empowered and have dared to denounce more.

In the LGTBI world, more complaints are also heard. It's a similar case.
Yes, it is the same, but in this case there is still a difficulty in it, as denouncing aggression in this world means that perhaps you also have to get out of the closet. We have carried out a study with the Harrotu centre on the subject and interesting things have emerged. For example, LGBTBI children are very accustomed to suffering violence and consider that aggression is normal, they have it very similar. This is true for many women, but more so for LGBTI.

Those who come from outside Sanfermin are warned to do so with respect. Force is put on the outside. That
feeling is old and last year at least it was. It becomes uncomfortable to accept that her friends, family and close friends are the female aggressors. However, there are no more attacks here than elsewhere. Aggressions are generic, violence against women is legitimized at a global level because they want to subordinate us.

The call that was on social networks to go black during the sucking process was discussed and rejected.
We do not join this call, but I think it is legitimate. It is true that the aggressions also exist throughout the year and that not only should we focus on the Sanfermines, but there are many angry people and I believe that behind this proposal there was a desire to contribute something. He didn't get along with the feminist movement here, but I don't think it was done with any bad intent.

Who sets criteria, municipalities or the feminist movement?They are made together,
but the feminist movement has been working on the issue of aggressions for some time and has some strategic lines. They make a strong speech and we echo it from the City Hall, thus getting it extended a lot.

“I want to come back alone and drunk.” It is one of the most repeated cries of young women.
It's great! We're always being sent scary messages to girls: “Care, care...” We have been educated in fear and the young women are saying that it is enough, that we are free and that we want to return home with complete peace of mind.

What does the City Hall look like on equal terms?
It has a lot of work to do. A lot has been done, but we come from where we come from and feminism has been for UPN “vade retro Satan”. The City Hall is also a reflection of society and as progress is being made in Pamplona, here too, but we are far from seeing equality across the board in all areas of work.

And the Government Team?It is
well advanced compared to the Government Team of the previous legislature. It's a pretty feminist government, but on the left there was a classic motto, "Communism first and then feminism," and here too something like that happens.

And Aranzadi?
We're looking for everyone to be equal, the assembly is our base, the horizontality, but social trends are ours as well. We are doing a process of reflection on equality and it is being very interesting, I am very happy. However, we also lack people of another origin and that concerns us.

In a leftist party, the institutional positions for a legislature, two…?
Aranzadi has a clear ethical code: four years and a half. I have therefore been terminated by this legislature.

And would you like to repeat it?
On the one hand, yes, because at first there was a great shock in the municipal activity, because we knew nothing about this institution and we have already learned a lot. But on the other hand, what we've learned is going to be very useful for those who can come later, because we're going to help.

If all kinds of people deserve consideration at the party, why not animals? Bulls, for example?
Indeed, it is not legitimate for the suffering of animals to be used for our enjoyment in the twenty-first century. I am against bullfights and have participated in several demonstrations against them, but the issue is complex in Pamplona/Iruña. I am the opposite, but Aranzadi is favorable and, therefore, we have not positioned ourselves as a team with bullfights. The debate has to go down the street.

Will Aranzadi be in the next municipal
elections?The same group cannot stand, as it is an electoral college and they can only be held once. But there will be something that represents our project.

Shock doktrina

“Iruñean jaio nintzen 1986an. Publizitatea eta Harreman Publikoak ikasi nituen Opuseko Unibertsitatean, baina era guztietako lanak egin ditut: umeak zaindu, tabernan zerbitzari, saltzaile Landabengo igandetako azokan… eta lau urtez Eguzki bideoak kooperatiban ere bai; ARGIArekin ere izan genituen elkarlan proiektu batzuk. 17 urte nituenetik nabil herri mugimenduetan: Azpilagainako auzo asanblean, Rosa Negra taldean, mugimendu feministaren bueltan edo PAHn. Udaletxean hasi ginenean shock handiko unea bizi izan genuen bertan nola aritu ikasi arte”.

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