All the nerves in the bone marrow reach all parts of the body by controlling all the cells. The movement of a spot directly affects the nervous system, cutting communication between the brain and the body. When this happens, the body's functioning will begin to deteriorate. To explain all this, Mendiaraz has highlighted the self-repair and restructuring capacity of the body: “When a wound is made, it will close if it stays clean. The body itself heals it. I've broken my wrist bone and I've been put on something so it doesn't move. My brain creates the necessary cells and puts them in the right place to be OK after three months.” Chiropractor says that this is controlled through the nervous system. “If it doesn’t work well it can lead to health problems: depression, anxiety, sleep problems, abdominal pain...”
The causes of vertebrae displacement can be a machine: bad postures, falls, emotional stress... Mendiaraz tells us more about stress: “Today, in this society, stress is one of the problems that causes the most diseases. It is one of the pillars of modern disease. It is good to the extent, because it keeps us alive, but if it is increased excessively it can cause damage to our health.” It says that diseases depend on lifestyle. It explains that each body receives different stress, that the same stress can be different for two bodies. In stressful situations, the body will adapt through the nervous system, which can be complicated in case of failure of a piece. Mendiaraz has underlined the importance of knowing how to manage stress.
What chiropractic does is find all the interferences in the spine and try to solve the problem through proper treatment, reinforcing the nervous system. I mean, the vertebrae went back to their place. This is called vertebral adaptation. To do this, there are more than 200 techniques. Most are done with their hands, but they also use tools, especially those that exert pressure. “We have a kind of pistol: it is placed at an angle and a force is put on it. Move the vertebra one blow.”
First, the spine is analyzed to see how it's acting on the nervous system. You usually have to do more than one adaptation and it does not cause any harm. Mendiaraz tells us that many clients already attend the consultation with health problems: migraines, tired, insomnia... In these situations there is no possibility of foresight: “Although most of the time you can solve it, sometimes you need something more, like surgery. Our goal is not to give something to extinguish the symptom, but to balance the body to solve the cause.”
He believes that we are not aware of the influence and importance of the spine. Little knowledge of the functioning of the body and of chiropractic. Mendiaraz is one of the 20-25 chiropractors that exist in Gipuzkoa. She has a consultation in San Sebastian and in addition to working with patients, she offers talks every Wednesday for all and all people and for free: “It is another facet of chiropractic, to make known this discipline and the body itself.” Although the World Health Organization recognizes it as a health profession, it is not adjusted in several European countries, including the Spanish State. Yes, on the other hand, in the French state, in Denmark, in Portugal, in Switzerland, in Italy or in the United Kingdom. In the United States, it's where it's most widespread.