Patxi Zubizarreta participated in the XXIX edition of the Emakumeen Bira de Tolosa. With this story he has won the prestigious Ala Delta prize. Run, Kuru, run! this short story captures the reader from the first sentence: “Imagine before a giraffe in the ambulance... ni-nooo, ni-nooo... Imagine then the infinite animal, on a stretcher, entering the emergency room of a hospital (…) imagine that now the giraffe is you and that you go through the halls of the hospital”. Yes, because that giraffe is Nora, a girl who hasn't seen a bottle on the ground and twisted her leg. He's in the Boxer when a child of lateral boxing, even without getting rid of his carnival giraffe costume, gets to chat. And that kid next door, Kuru, rather than telling him what's happened to him, "I would tell you a little bit more of a taste, for example, the real story of a giraffe. It’s not so sad and helps me hold my head standing, always with my head high.”
And so, Kuru will tell Nora the story of a giraffe, a trip to France through Sudan, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, from Ethiopia that give the name of kechine to the long-necked animal (in which we are told, among other things, his meeting with the Giant of Altzo).
And in this account, Zubizarreta offers us something between written and oral narratives using structures and repetitive phrases of the oral stories, “joan, joan eta joan”, comparisons made with the measurement of the giraffe’s ever-increasing neck using the flute, the stick, the rowing… or in all the sections, at the end of the chapters that tell us the history of the giraffe, a kind of bertso, giving strength. “But always with his head high,” a phrase that gives Kuru the courage to move forward in his life.
Indeed, as we shall see in the last chapter, Kuru, like that giraffe, travels, overcoming and suffering great difficulties, obstacles, limitations and difficulties. After falling from a truck, the leg is broken in the boxer and you will need Nora's help to continue the journey. Yes, fleeing from those who want to catch him and return to African lands.
It is an admirable story that through a giraffe places the distance, that through a comparison shortens the distances and that, enjoying, moves us the interior.
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