It's the era of politics in the North. The Single Commonwealth of Iparralde is carrying out the Commonwealth of Iparralde which brings together the three territories of the region. Since the Basque institutions of Ipar Euskal Herria were dissolved following the French Revolution, it has begun to make a real policy.
Remember: At Uztaritze, Lapurdi had his legislative powers and impositors: Labortans Assembly. Lapurdi ruled from the Middle Ages to the French Revolution. The other two countries also had General Boards or Courts.
Until 1960 the Enbata movement was formed, Ipar Euskal Herria disappeared politically from de iure. French policy did not de facto contemplate the French Basque Country in almost two centuries. The post-batched political initiatives, such as the SAH or EHAS party, first among the armed group IK and then the movement EMA and AB, among others, led to the implementation of the “politics of the impossible”.
In 1963, the Enbata Maritime Charter proclaimed the unity of the Basque nation and the right to self-determination. The objective for Iparralde was to achieve a medium-term department and, in the longer term, to form an autonomous political, administrative and cultural territory that would unite the entire Basque Country.
After the proclamation of the Department, the proclamation of the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde arrived. By not being able to implement it, the Basque College was inevitably approved. Since then, the time has come for the possible policy of Basque citizenship in the Basque Autonomous Community. The Abertzales said that this is not the framework they called for, but that they have had to prefer the time of the enabling politics. The same thing happened to the South Abertzale left as the so-called Spanish transition materialized.
The Basque College, such as the CAV and the Foral Community of Navarre, is being held throughout the State. It is worth remembering that the construction of the Basque College is the result of the “impossible political struggle activity” of different nationalist generations.
Two areas that will guarantee the institution: the economy – taxation – and identity policy. The balance between urban centres – coastal cities – and the campaign – cultivation – is at stake. A clash between coldness and Vasquism, who want to live in Basque.
Demographic management is fundamental in the construction of a college. One fact to understand is that every year 10,000 people have reached Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa. At the same time, 7,000 are leaving. In Iparralde there are over 300,000 people censored. In summer, about 600,000 “live”. Beware!
Year of War, year of lie!
That is what the phrase says, and that is what reality confirms.
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