“In any case, the education provided in public centers will respect the values of Christian ethics.” This barbarism is the beginning of the agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Vatican City, signed on 3 January 1979.
The mere realization of this barbarity is reason enough for this wage to be abandoned. But we could bring other precious stones here. “It is up to the ecclesiastical hierarchy to determine the contents of the teaching of the Catholic religion, as well as to propose textbooks and didactic materials corresponding to these teachings and formations”. Other: “(…) shall teach religious teachings to persons designated by the academic authorities for each school year, who shall be chosen from among those proposed by the Diocesan Coordinator to provide such teaching”. In other words, bishops choose and hire governments (and pay with public money, of course). Thus, if the bishop, in considering that they "live in sin", does not propose them for the next course, the government will not be able to hire them. As this is an unfair dismissal (it has happened on several occasions), the worker will have to be compensated … by the government, not by the bishop.
More information: “The State will ensure that the Catholic Church can organise teaching and other religious activities in public universities, using the classrooms and their means”.
And the last, of the same concordate but on the public media: “Under the principle of religious freedoms and expression, the State will ensure that the feelings of Catholics are respected in its social media, to which end it will sign appropriate agreements with the Spanish Episcopal Conference on these matters.”
It is urgent that the new socialist government immediately denounce the agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Vatican City. Once this is done, agreements with other religious faiths can also be annulled without any problem so that religions are left out of school.
Concordato is a law in Spain, because it is a pact between two sovereign states, and grants privileges to the subject of “Catholic religion”. Therefore, in practice it is she who does not need a minimum number of students. A single student is usually enough to hire the teacher who teaches the subject.
If I am not mistaken, an international agreement can be denounced on the initiative of the government, although it will then have to be ratified by Congress. A year later, that international agreement is revoked and ceases to be law.
It is therefore urgent that the new socialist government immediately denounce the agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Vatican City. Once this has been done, agreements with other religious faiths can also be suspended, without any problem, so that religions are left out of school.
And if the religious professors refuse to send three times privileged to unemployment, they give the optional subject “History of religions”, which will be organized in the same academic and labor conditions as the rest of the subjects.
I have said three times privileged teachers. The first privilege, access to public service through the small door that the rest of us have closed: getting the permission granted by the bishop is not available to everyone, is an arbitrary decision. The second privilege is to give classes to a single student, when in the other electives it is necessary 15. A third privilege, that the points thus obtained can be used in any of the educational lists, anticipating the ordinary teachers of those lists. I don't think ELA, CCOO, UGT and LSB know.
Paris 1845. The Labortan economist and politician Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) wrote the satire Pétition des fabricants de chandelles (The Request of the Sailing). Fiercely opposed to protectionism, he ironistically stated that the sailing boats asked for protection against... [+]
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