Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

- Houston, we have a problem!

  • That famous expression that spread from the films to everyday language was heard at NASA's headquarters in Houston, Texas, on April 13, 1970.
(arg: NASA)
(arg: NASA)

The message was sent by Fred Haise, Apollo XIII pilot. Two days earlier, the rocket had taken off with the intention of reaching the Moon, but an explosion in the route affected the supply of electricity, water and oxygen to the ship. Although they asked for help from Houston, the ship's crew eventually decided to use the module they were going to use to step on the Moon as a lifeboat.

Thus, the module fell into the sea on April 17 and the three astronauts were rescued alive from the area.

2018ko uztailaren 01
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