He founded the CVA collective with Juan Luis Moraza in 1979 and worked until 1985. They dedicated themselves to conceptual art and institutional criticism through irony, always against authority. The New Basque Sculpture is one of the so-called art historians. In 1985 he received the Designation of Sculpture Artea Award. During the following years he made numerous exhibitions.
But later, María Luisa Fernández Olivera (Villarejo de Orbigo, 24 October 1955), who remained hidden for many years, did not appear in the world. The profession of professor seemed to have devoured the artist. But it wasn't. From the hand of Commissioner Beatriz Herráez, she reappeared strongly in the Plaza del Arte with the exhibition Je… Ilargia, Je… in 2015 at the Azkuna Center in Bilbao. It was a retrospective look, necessary to move forward. In the Commissioner's interview, the artist explained the question well: “What you don’t do is as important as what you do in the construction of thought. Pararte is a great opportunity, it enriches you. I have the same passion as before and, at the same time, I was not calmly enough to understand it better. I have enthusiasm, I have desire and a good space, what else can I ask for?”
Her passion and illusion have not been extinguished, she currently exposes her to the Maisterravalbuena gallery in Madrid, until July 18, under the title: 7,608,766,433 + – It's the approximate number of people we live in the world. He's always had a special ability to put titles, he's a toy, he uses humor, old sayings, he invents the viewer to get into his world. And his world is sculpture. Matter, colors, shapes, questions about what the world is.
And what is man, that species that everything collapses.
On Monday afternoon, I had already planned two documentaries carried out in the Basque Country. I am not particularly fond of documentaries, but Zinemaldia is often a good opportunity to set aside habits and traditions. I decided on the Pello Gutierrez Peñalba Replica a week... [+]
The search, the continuous search for a path, implies discovering what we do not want or expect. An artist should feed this appetizing search if he wants to keep his spirit alive. Your career is also going to need a big head office. Looking for new ways, uncovering and expanding... [+]
I get contradictions in art competitions. On the one hand, they place artists and works of art within the dynamics of competitiveness, leaving aside the transformative and collective character of art and placing them within the mercantilist logics, but it cannot sometimes be... [+]
Eskuin muturreko ekintzaileei leporatu diete eskultura bandalizatu izana: Hau kaka euskalduna da idatzi dute frantsesez, eta Heil pepito agur nazia margotu. Jean-René Etxegarai auzapezak jakinarazi du salaketa jarriko dutela. Gainera, Frantziako Alderdi Komunistaren... [+]
In the Plaza de los Fueros de Vitoria-Gasteiz there is a new metal sculpture that welcomes the exhibition of Nestor Basterretxea (Bermeo, 1924 – Hondarribia, 2014). The exhibition brings together more than 300 works created by artists from different areas, such as posters,... [+]