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Canada legalizes marijuana, but for many a little later

  • After the blessing of the Canadian Senate on 7 June, in three months' time, marijuana use will be free. In states like the United States, cannabis trafficking will no longer make anyone evil, the day will run out of those who could not access health care and the state will raise a lot of money in the new taxes. But some of the leaders of the War on Drugs will now benefit from new businesses.
‘National Post’ egunkarirako Ernest Doroszukek egindako argazkian, ezkerrekoa da Julian Fantino Kanadako Polizia Federaleko buru ohia eta eskuinekoa Kanadako Polizia Zaldizkoaren atzerri harremanetarako burua. Biak ari dira marihuana terapeutikoan liderra
‘National Post’ egunkarirako Ernest Doroszukek egindako argazkian, ezkerrekoa da Julian Fantino Kanadako Polizia Federaleko buru ohia eta eskuinekoa Kanadako Polizia Zaldizkoaren atzerri harremanetarako burua. Biak ari dira marihuana terapeutikoan liderra izan nahi duen Aleafia konpainiaren –’leaf‘ hostoa da ingelesez eta kalamuaren orria iradokitzen du– buruzagitzan, lehendakaria bata, zuzendaria bestea, urte luzez ‘maria’ eduki edo saltzen zutenak pertsegitzen aritu ostean.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Canada is ready for marijuana to enter its customary buying and selling networks, such as alcohol, including laws, shops, control and taxes. The Otawa Senate gave its approval to the new law burying the total ban on cannabis in early June, just in early June, when Donald Trump became angry with the other G7 leaders and especially with Canada. That is true, the Conservative Members and Senators have stood face-to-face until the last moment.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been able to deliver on his electoral promise for the 2015 general election. Consumption to alleviate health problems has been decriminalized in Canada since 2001, but with the new rule has become the first country in the G7 group to liberalize the use of friendly marijuana.

Justin Trudeau's promise to legalize the free use of cannabis played a major role in the 2015 elections.

The proponents of legalization argue that the new situation will lead to a reduction in criminality, the creation of new jobs and greater tax revenue for the State. From now on each Canadian will be able to cultivate four plants of sativa cannabis for its own consumption, such as having up to 30 grams for its own consumption; the higher amounts will have to be managed in accordance with commercial laws.

One of the debates that can be found in the Canadian press is how the authorities are going to succeed in reducing the black market for water traffic, or what is the same, how much tax they are going to get. According to Tom Barnes in the newspaper The Independent, “in Canada the marijuana market for pleasure moves 5.7 billion Canadian dollars a year – 3.7 billion euros – and there are still many who believe that a large part of them will remain unlegalized.”

The GTV Capital fund, which specialises in Canadian cannabis companies, has calculated that the legal smile continues to leave before tax at $8.33 per gram (EUR 5.4), above the EUR 4.88 on average that costs illegal by testing, sharpening and safety standards. By law, the seller will be added one dollar per gram in taxes. “If that is the price range, many consumers will continue in the non-legal market.”

It is no wonder that the Canadian Mounted Police, named Mounted Police, despite the fact that the only mares of the Canadian champions are their cars, is well ahead of time to continue researching and pursuing the black market that will follow the plan in the hemp industry.

Furthermore, all the institutions are prepared for the new era of marijuana. In Ontario, the province with the most inhabitants, the government will immediately open 40 grass shops for its trade, with the goal of reaching 150 by 2020. Québec starts with 20 stores. Many believe that they will be too scarce to meet the consumption that exists. For example, in the state of Colorado (EE.UU. ), after the legalisation of 2012, 1,000 shops have been opened. In Colorado prices have dropped from 10.2 euros in 2012 to 6 euros today and according to local authorities, 70% of the marijuana consumed is legal.

In the United States, the economic press has just revealed that cannabis will soon move more business than refreshing drinks. The investment bank Cowen de Business Insider estimates that by 2030 the grass industry will have sales of 64,000 million euros, while today it is moving around 42 billion euros in legal traffic in the United States.

The weed was better than you had imagined.

“Canada will legalize the grass, but will it amnesty those convicted of crimes?” Leyland Cecco wrote from Toronto in The Guardian. “Activists say that without amnesty many of the marginalized groups will continue to suffer the damage of expired laws.”

Since Justin Trudeau won the election in 2015 with the promise to legalize marijuana, in the three years that last until the candidate’s word becomes law, more than 15,000 people have been arrested or denounced for related crimes and misdemeanours. In total, there are about 500,000 citizens in Canada who have a criminal record for a conviction for marijuana trafficking.

In spring the collection of signatures started in the Cannabis campaign Amnesty.En your website can read the opinions of known people who join the initiative: “Without amnesty, legalization is a suffocating monopoly,” says Deejay NDN; Nathaniel Erskine-Smith of the Liberal Party “The criminalization of cannabis is an injustice that has lasted a long time; amnesty is necessary to resolve injustice.”

Demonstration in Toronto on 5 May to call for the amnesty of those convicted of the Marihuanaga traffic. (Photo: Cannabis Culture)

More crucially, writes Rosie Rowbotham, a CBC producer: "I've been in prison for 20 years for cannabis, and now the police are going to take charge of that financial benefit. Those same rulers who were persecuted by the traffickers are now investing in marijuana and in the meantime there is no amnesty for those convicted before.”

Rowbotham was 18 years old when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, the father of the present, announced that he was going to ban the burning of leeks. The ruler did not fulfill his promise. On the contrary, the young man entered the traffic, he confesses, he brought tons from the Middle East, Jamaica, Mexico and Colombia. He was tried four times and sentenced in total to 69 years in prison, of which he served 20, the first two in maximum safety dungeons, although he never mixed with harsher drugs.

“I’ve never presented myself as a marijuana activist. I would take money and legalize it would be bad for my business.” But now he can no longer stand that he and the dogs that persecuted small consumers are seen in the midst of the legal cannabis business.

Rowbotham cites some of them with names and surnames, which have also appeared in the media. He works for the company Aleafia, famous in therapeutic marijuana, such as the relentless persecutor of cannabis in the Toronto police, Julián Fantino, who was still opposed to legalization in 2015. Like more well-known members of the conservative government. They say that they have now realised that they were wrong on this issue.

“Now, those – says Rowbotham – are free to make money at the expense of the legalization of marijuana, and meanwhile, many of those who have a criminal record for doing something that will soon be legal will be excluded or, in many cases, also in prison. If I am a criminal, what word would you use to name Fantino and other dogs and politicians who are now trying to enrich themselves by going across the line?”


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