Women using the artificial penis would have been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment, five years with another woman, and seven years if the woman was a nun – the nuns were married to Christ and thus added adultery. Therefore, the fact of being a lesbian, in principle, had no judicial consequences if there were no procrastinations.
In the following century, the French poet María de Francia (1160-1215) described in her short poems the relationship with another woman: “When I remember how you kissed me and how you caressed my little breasts with sweet words, I’d like to die, because I can’t see you.” Although not many, there are similar examples of the time, and no one seems to have been alarmed by it.
But that does not mean that medieval Europe was a lesbian paradise, that is, not penalising it did not mean that it was accepted. Simply, those relationships were not understood. According to many historians and anthropologists, for most Middle Ages Europeans, lesbianism was neither a crime nor a sin. At that time, very few proceedings were opened against women who had had lesbian relations and in most cases the accusations were rejected. The measures taken by Bishop Burchard show that, according to the mentality of the time, there was no sex without a penis (natural or artificial).
This limited and narrow conception of sex continues to spread nowadays, but ignorance disappeared with the Age Media.En the 13th century, specifically in 1260, in Orleans, was approved Li Livres de Jostice et de Plet, the first civil code that considered Lesbian relations as crimes. The relationship between divine law and civil law narrowed. And as the Modern Age knocked on the door, in 1477 it was written for the first time that a woman had been sentenced to death for her relationship with another mujer.Se named Katherina Hetzeldorfer and was drowned on the Rhine.
Young people start consuming pornography before, as porn is their only sex education. How on earth have we come here?
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Zamora, late 10th century. On the banks of the Douro River and outside the city walls the church of Santiago de los Caballeros was built. The inside capitals of the church depict varied scenes with sexual content: an orgy, a naked woman holding the penis of a man… in the... [+]