“As a young man in Bilbao, I felt that the city’s society is not connected to agriculture.” This is how Kepa Añibarro Zorita explains from where his interest in the environment and land arose. After studying Environmental Chemistry and Landscaping and Rural Environment, it was clear that he wanted to work on something related to agriculture or landscaping. Where and how the question was. Last year, a new project began: Resurrect Agrokultura.
Last year Añibarro launched the project on a plot in Mungia (Bizkaia). “The idea was to produce healthy food and bring local products closer to the city center from the Km0 philosophy,” he says. However, the land of Mungia did not have adequate access and access to water, so it decided to move. This year, Berpiztu Agrokultura has started on the Gatika plot.
Añibarro is specially equipped with permaculture. Although last year the leap from theory to practice took place, he admitted that it was a kind of test. This year the project has already taken shape. “We cultivate local varieties on the Gatika plot, not genetically modified, nor with pesticides or chemicals.” To enrich the land they use the fertilizer they have made themselves, such as that obtained through thermi-composting. In a few weeks the first products of the Gatika plot will be collected for distribution in restaurants in the city and in the two distribution points.
In the Berpiztu Agrokultura project, they are also working on the organization of educational initiatives, and in the future one of their objectives is to work in this line. Planned activities include leisure activities and training workshops with children, the elderly or people with diseases, among others. “The orchard has its therapeutic and medicinal side,” says Añibarro.
In Berpiztu Agrokultura they also provide advice to individuals and associations. They help create and design urban gardens. “We give life to unused spaces.”
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