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Are there too many series?

  • Digital platforms like Netflix, HBO or Amazon Prime Video came to Euskal Herria a few months ago. Watch a lot of series at the time we want, within reach of everyone and with content easily manageable by people of any age – surely your parents have also been wrong and that you receive hundreds of messages with their doubts. But does this production rain on the small screen have limits? Has Netflix become a kind of churreria? Are there too many series?
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

YES. There are too many

Peak TV That is the word that has been spreading in recent years in the television world and in the United States. That term that can be defined as “the bubble of the series” means that the top of these productions is about to arrive. It is the expression that there are too many products on the small screen: they are released without control and often the quality level is doubtful. The Emmy awards that are given each year, for example, the awards for the best series of the year, cannot highlight all the important releases of the year.

John Landgrafe, responsible for the FX chain, is the creator of the concept Peak TV and has been publishing some reports on the number of productions for three years. In 2017, for example, they hit the 500 series. The summit, known as Peak TV, is expected to reach in 2019.Los the main responsible for this “tsunami” are the aforementioned streaming platforms. Another report released by Landgraf points out that Yahoo, Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, Crackle or YouTube Red platforms have doubled their productions in two years, mainly due to the Netflix wave.

This, as has happened in other technology companies, can lead the series market to a state of monopoly and I do not know if it will not harm us if the same stories come out of the same furnace. The clearest example – once again – is Netflix: before, if five new productions were premiered a year, three or four were of great quality; today, with the philosophy “every two weeks a new series/season”, more than the series, it seems to be a churros.Yes, it launches excellent productions, but the whole of the mediocres is on the rise.

NO. We want to see too many

Film culture in general seems to me to be somewhat incomprehensible, and that of series, of course. Are many series premiered? Yes. Too much? No! In the case of the small screen, the problem is not that there are too many, but we want to see everyone.

This is undoubtedly one of the most relevant cultural phenomena of recent years, which has begun to fill an increasingly important space in the cultural sphere. But I think we've started to stick with the amount and the speed to swallow it. If, in the crew or among friends, for example, you are constantly talking about the last chapter of the Game of Thrones series, and you do not see that production, you risk being left out of those conversations. If the second season of Stranger Things takes place tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning, you will be immersed in the endless race “to see who sees before”. Here, in my opinion, the key to this controversy is flourishing: as with reading, it should be necessary not to lose the pleasurable. I mean, you see what you see, you feel comfortable, because you want it, not because the other person does it, because they've been driven by social media or because the algorithms on these platforms have absorbed your brain. The offer has spread so much that many of the current releases are swimming with the series 10-15 years ago. As a result, many viewers have relinquished voluntary choice and have started to use “what to see” tools or “advice” applications to make decisions instead. This choice by the number of stars or by the likes of the “expert” on the Internet can lead to frustration and repeat the phrase “too many series”.

My view, therefore, is clear: there are not too many series as there are not too many books, films or chocolate tablets. The desire to obtain total and serialist knowledge, and the need not to remain outside the talks, seems to me to have generated a false lack in us. Many of these audiovisuals are swallowed “as if we were forced.” The next time you’re told “I don’t have time to see so many series,” he replies “neither you nor anyone” and go ahead!

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