Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The fourth industrial revolution is here.

  • This is the 30th edition of the Durango Fair held last week at BEC. The Machine Tool Biennale, a key sector in the Basque Country, has warned us of the fourth industrial revolution that is already coming and its significant social and labor effects.

Behind it are the consequences of the first industrial revolution of the nineteenth century, as well as the severe and savage reconversions suffered in the Basque Country in the twentieth century. The digital industry is consolidated and one of its main indicators is the machine tool.

But economic globalisation causes some trembling, as the first robot plant has been built in Europe and the fear of the loss of human employment has revived. One of the most important robotics companies, the Japanese Yaskawa, which until now produced in Japan and China, will now open its doors in Europe, specifically in Slovenia, with the intention of expanding on this continent. According to a report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 60 million workers will be at risk of being replaced by robots in the coming years. Manufacturing and agriculture will be the hardest hit.

Governments should therefore look and plan well for the future of education, the world of work and society in general, because given that wave of the fourth industrial revolution and robotics, thousands of jobs can be lost. It's not science fiction. Capitalism is following its path, now based on the digital and the robots, and its mechanisms to keep accumulating profits will leave thousands of people once again to the side of the road. That's how much weight those in government have behind them.

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Fermín Lazkano
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13 enpresak euskararen normalizazioa bultzatzeko taldea sortu dute

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2015-09-25 | ARGIA
Hamar urte ondoren jasotako uztari errepasoa

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Ainhoa Elices
"Companies have proven that it can be done in Basque"
Ainhoa Elices (Donostia, 1972) is responsible for marketing the cooperative Emun. The company dedicated to the Euskaldunisation of the world of work has an increasingly wide range of services. It wants to respond to the new needs of society.

Bezeroak beti euskaraz egingo balu?

Kontseiluak, duela bi aste konferentzia egin zuen arlo sozioekonomikoa euskalduntzeko bidea biziberritu nahian. Han elkartu ziren sindikatu, kontsumitzaileen elkarte, enpresa eta administrazioetako ordezkariak. Gogo hutsaren poderioz lantokiak eta merkataritza euskalduntzen... [+]

Emun kooperatibak lan eremu berriak zabaldu ditu

Emun kooperatibak lan ildo eta irudi berriaren aurkezpen publikoa egingo du gaur Bilbon. Duela hamasei urte sortu zen Emun, lan mundua euskalduntzeko helburuarekin.

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Rober Gutierrez
"Enpresan hizkuntzak kudeatu behar dituztela ohartzea da lehen urratsa"

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2013-01-24 | Saioa Labaka
Learning Euskera in the workplace
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Euskera in the world of work
Technicians, workers, leaders... at the round table
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Eguneraketa berriak daude