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The Age of Clogs

Urak dakarren lokatzetarako oinetakoak egiteko eta bere erabilera gozatzeko erabiltzen ziren landare gehienak urzaleak dira. 
Batzuk amorratuak: urkia, haltza, iratzea, makala eta zumeak.
Urak dakarren lokatzetarako oinetakoak egiteko eta bere erabilera gozatzeko erabiltzen ziren landare gehienak urzaleak dira. Batzuk amorratuak: urkia, haltza, iratzea, makala eta zumeak.

Weather conditions are over; water, water and water. What to talk about in the elevator or at the bus stop? There's no news, and you have to start throwing away something else to tell stories. The advantage of being said to have been bad for some time, you have to think ... The mud has returned to the daily lives of those of us who work around the earth, the Age of the Step! Galocheta, closka, traskoa, chocolate or bacon.

I have not known the voids at home, but their name I have in my ear, for us they are the voids, their mention was usual. I never knew what wood those wooden shells were made of. It would require wood two conditions: that it be light and that it be easy to work, soft. In the past, climbers threw themselves in the forest and they did their first job, with green and green wood, humid and raw, sweaty. Then they'd end up in the house work.

Juan Garmendia Larrañaga wrote in 2007 that he met the last climber of Luzaide/Valcarlos, and along with this mention he mentions four woods: nuez (Juglans regia), birch (Betula pubescens), aliso (Alnus glutinosa) and chestnut (Castanea sativa). Some pagoa (Fagus sylvatica), chopo (Populus nigra) and wicker (Salix spp.) mention, too.

In these shoes, feet were inserted only with socks or almantars or plates, to adjust and squeeze them but also to not hurt against wood, the fern (Pteridium aquilinum) or the whitish of the head of corn (Zea mays) or the grass raised was introduced. Not only would they enjoy their march, but they would also calm their foot...

Water calling. Most of the plants we use to make shoes for the mud that brings the water and to enjoy its use are water lovers. Some rabid ones: birch, aliso, fern, chopo and wicker.

We float in the water until we don't need snow silk stockings or bras!

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2024-03-25 | ARGIA
Cross-border organisations set in motion a programme to learn how to reform wood structures in farmhouses
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2019-03-11 | Jakoba Errekondo
Bambúd, tablado

Last February. Goodbye to the winter and welcome to the municipal police, to the grass or to the grass. It's nice to be blackened, but for the next time I'll leave that path. I still want to flush the wood...

The other day Berria brought the story of the desolate facade of... [+]

2019-03-01 | Jakoba Errekondo
From species to flower

From wood emerges more than a splinter, among other expressions... But the proverb says: "Splinter for wood." Return of the muela: from seed to plant, seed to plant. Many of them have been Gotzon Garate. Ready for enjoyment?

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2019-02-22 | Jakoba Errekondo
Galileos, round cuba

Tough, resilient timber, which will have to withstand a great deal of tension and strength, will be thrown into these darkness, as I said the other day. If you accidentally cut a tree off to get a wood of this kind, the waning moon of February will close with a month, and those... [+]

2019-02-15 | Jakoba Errekondo
Avellano or avellano

Winter is usually the time of wood and wood. Most of those used in our culture are cut in winter. Resistant, resistant, tensile and forceful woods will be thrown into these moons. Demolition work for logs that give rise to soft and flexible hardwood or woods will be high season... [+]

2017-10-09 | Jakoba Errekondo
Wood and wood stereo
In the fire favor kitchen, it's time to value the flame of cooking and the heat of food. Fire. Firewood is recovering a fame that it should never have lost and has a promising future. Not for cooking, but I think we'll see more and more in building heating.

2016-05-04 | Jakoba Errekondo
At some point

Carrozillo or snail (Rhamnus alaternus) is not abundant. It is berozale and lives very well among other trees and shrubs that share this same hobby, such as the Madroño (Arbutus unedo), the cork oak (Quercus suber), the bull (Laurus nobilis), the motherhood (Quercus pyrenaica)... [+]

2016-04-20 | Jakoba Errekondo

Zuraz inguratua nabil azken aldi honetan. Basoak eta zuhaitzak gugan duen indarra, eta gure kulturan duen eraginaz dokumental galant horietako bat egiteko ardura tzarra hartua du bizkarrean Jon Maiak; Gutik Zura du izena eta bera gauzatzen sos batzuekin lagundu nahi duenak jo... [+]

2016-03-09 | Jakoba Errekondo
143 agai

Arbolari bezalaxe zuhaitzari agaia jarri eta adarrei goian eustea kultura da. Jakintza handia, kultura. Bestela adarrak hautsita eta desitxuratuta, zarrapastroso litzatekeen landare tzarrari lagundu, eta era berean etorkizun berri bat eman. Kultura: landu. Hazten lagundu... [+]

2014-09-03 | Jakoba Errekondo
Biolina jotzen

Biolina jotzen det. Biolin-jotzaile baino harpa-jotzaile hobea naiz, baina biolina dut bizibide. Uda beroa; beroak luze jotzen du. Guk jo eta berak jo. Uda partean dut nik pagotxa, kontzertu korda. Alferra, udan, lehenaz gain, harrotu egiten da, eta batzuek kontzertu batean edo... [+]

2014-07-29 | Jakoba Errekondo
Zakurraren biolina

Umeak ginela, txakurren bat azkura baretzeko edo arkakusoak haizea hartzera bidaltzeko hankarekin hazka egiten ikusten bagenuen, “gitarra jotzen” ari zela esaten genuen. Txakurrek, ez dakit, baina zakurren batek joko du biolina. Biolin-jotzaile zakurren bat izango... [+]

2014-07-09 | Jakoba Errekondo

Zuhaitzak, arbolak eta zuhaixkak muskildu, inausi eta lepatu egiten ditugu. Batzuetan muskil edo kimu ttikiak, eta besteetan adartxoak, adar politak, baita adar tzar asarreak ere. Berari kendu, eta bueltan zauria utziz.

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2014-02-19 | Jakoba Errekondo
Gaztaiak ketzen

Aurrekoa amaitu nuen erari helduko diot: gosea piztuz. Gazta aipatu nuen. Alnus glutinosa, haltzaren ezpalez ketzen direla nioen, baita haltzak bihotzaz gain odola ere baduela. Kolore gorri asko eransten dio gaztari, gorri hila, distiragabe hila. Ketzen azkarrena da haltza,... [+]

2014-02-13 | Jakoba Errekondo
Bihotz bero

Odol giroa nagusi izaten da neguero. Guraize, aihotz, zerrote, motozerra... inauskaiak zorrotz! Epaia emateko prest epaikiak. Epaile kaskarin gehiegi. Buru beroko kasko asko. Bihozgabe bihozgabetzaileak.

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Eguneraketa berriak daude