Forests are edible; yes, yes, edible forests. They are called “edible forests,” especially because the creation and care of the forest is done through food.
In addition to the first, it is increasingly common to take advantage of some of the forest to eat. Some want to recover old customs and food as strictly as possible: paleofood or paleolithic diet. Apparently, at that time what came from forests was the most edible: animals and plants.
It is more common to go to the forest and collect food like mushrooms, truffles, green asparagus, etc. With medicinal plants, we also have an amazing story, and everything seems to indicate that we also have a future. More and more I see calls for workshops and courses to work these herbs. Also to grow edible wild plants: which are edible, which are not, raw or cooked... It does not surprise us to be brought with us a flower or a leaf from the forest that accompanies us with a salad or any other food.
Recently, a lobster told me about how the leaves of Acer spp (Acer spp) are collected, washed and preserved in salt in the autumn forest in Japan and then eaten sparkling. It is said that this food can only be found in very specific places.
Who haven't had the new tips of some of the plants that spring brings into our interior melt? It is a very specific place, the habit of eating the flowers of the Olmo de Fitero (Ulmus spp) of the south of Navarra; as in the salad, it is taken directly from the tree and is taken in the mouth. They call it "Txopeta." Nothing more tender!
In the United States and Japan, the threaded puntta of the new spring leaf of the ferns is eaten. In Japan I do not know which species, but the most appreciated ostrich in the United States is Garo, Matteucia struthiopteris. Both are fed with or cooked in Salmuera. The whim of few people, in very specific places.
Oihanak atzeraka ari dira mundu osoan. Oso-osoan? Ez, badira txoko batzuk non zuhaitzak ugaritzen ari diren haiekiko harremana aldatu duten baserritarren lanari esker. Hauek ikasi behar izan dute arbolak ez direla laboreen etsaiak, zuhaitz eta zuhaixken esku dagoela lurzoruaren... [+]
Papua New Guinea is traversed from east to west by a high mountain range. On its two slopes are enclosed hills and valleys, and there, the tribes that have lived in isolation for thousands of years, give a reputation for cultural and linguistic diversity to this territory. In... [+]