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Strike that uncovered Disney

  • Hollywood 1923. Walter Elias Disney created The Walt Disney Company. The creator did nothing but remember that he came to Hollywood with an old camera in his hand and about 40 dollars in his pocket.
Disneyko grebalariak protestan, 1941eko udaberrian (arg: Los Angeles Times / Ucla Library)
Disneyko grebalariak protestan, 1941eko udaberrian (arg: Los Angeles Times / Ucla Library)

And in 1937, when the first animated feature film Edurnezuri achieved great success, he managed to carry out the “American dream”, bringing together an idyllic team around him. The workers called it "Uncle Walt."

In 1928, the company had seven workers and in 1937, on the other hand, it had almost a thousand. In 1938, the animator syndicate Screen Cartoonists Guild (SCG) was founded and immediately headed by leftist syndicalist Herbert Sorrell, built a strong structure to deal with the excesses of unregulated activity. But “Uncle Walt” maintained outdated paternalistic values and banned union workers.

However, workers such as the stepmother of Edurne Zuri, Goofy and the CARTOONIST Art Babbitt, who created characters such as Gepetto, entered the SCG.El 28 May 1941 fired Babbitt, along with 16 other workers, as a mixer and bolshevik. The next day, the Disney cartoonists' strike began.

The strike was triggered by the ban and the dismissals of the unions, but there was much more behind the strike. On the one hand, and following the initial policy of the study, the credits of the films did not include the name of the animalists, just the name of Walt Disney. In addition, the wage distribution was totally unbalanced and based on subjective criteria. Thanks to Edurnezuri’s success, he promised to pay the workers the extra hours he had done. But finally, he destined the benefits for the construction of new studies.

About half of the workers followed the strike, but managed to completely paralyse the company’s activity. Disney's aggressive attitude did not help to improve the situation. Finally, five weeks after the strike, Disney accepted federal government mediation and went abroad. At the end of the strike, the redundant workers were able to return to their jobs, the right to trade union and the wage hike. But from that point on, Disney significantly tightened working conditions and most of the strikers were able to leave the company. In the long term, he declared himself a winner, as he managed to “eliminate dangerous predators and communists and clean the company.”

And under McCarthy’s “witch hunt”, he also tried to spread the “clean-up” outside the casa.Entre other things, denounced in the Anti-American Activities Committee Charles Chaplin, so admired in the past.

2018ko maiatzaren 20a
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