The metaphorical exercise has this: falling and rising again, creating a new ash, falling forward, better burning than oxidizing... But another thing is to live in your own skin. This happened to the Libyans on 21 April: On the way to the concert they were going to give in Urretxu, the car suddenly burned and, fortunately, even though they were unharmed, the car and many of the instruments inside were left without dinner. And I'm sure you wanted to throw away all the metaphors there. It has to be desperate. In addition, it should be disappointing to know that, unlike cars, musical instruments don't have insurance, they don't have all the value, but they give you some money, at least for charity. This is another example of the insecurity of those who work as musicians. I do not, therefore, want to use metaphors to talk about the concert they offered three days after the fire in the Parral bar. No ashes, no falls, no uprisings, nothing.
The accident was certainly present. And of course, it was noticed in the group. Not for sadness. Not a word, not a painful attitude. Tears of rage. It would be the third song on the Camino del ultimo work when Libe broke the usual style of the song and shouted tears: “We fall down the road,” as if the throat knob had been unleashed. But it was also because of humor, because the members of the group had been on their way to humor more than once, trying to get rid of the burden. We do not want too much tension.
The Moon has fallen and came to present the work, Libe García de Kortazar and his friends, although it was not the first time they played in the Alavesa capital. However, this work supports more than one live hearing. In the direct ones, the great work of the disc wins a lot, as it is a very nice album. It's based on rock, but in a way conserved, conscious. And directly, the band gives it a density that goes beyond the disc.
In the Quinteto they offered songs of their last work and previous work: two guitars, bass, drums and keyboards; and, of course, voices. The latter seems important to me, as I have a mistrust that no one takes care of singing as much as Libe and Izaki Gardenak (many of the members of the group are in the two). The main voice, in this case that of Libra, was clear and strong. The voices that accompanied them were elegantly without placing too much on the arrangements, for nothing but to beautify them.
And the performance was beautiful. Special. I assume it will be otherwise, but the circumstances are and what will be done to it. Now you will be playing on one and the other occasion, and I invite you to go to the concerts. One of the most interesting bands we have around is not missing the opportunity to see it live.
We have known Aitor Bedia Hans, a singer of the Añube group for a long time. At that time we were reconciled with BEÑAT González, former guitarist of the Añube group. It was at the university time, when the two young people of Debagoiena came to Bilbao to study with music in... [+]
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
It is a musical initiative that emerged in Donostialdea and aims to "collectively confront the music industry that wants precarious,... [+]
WHEN: 31 August.
WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.
On Saturday night, the Erandio festivities and the storm have fired the month of August. The concert of the zumaiarra band Eire is announced for 22:00 p.m. Lately the group... [+]
WHEN: 1 September.
WHERE: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
For many it is the last day of vacation. "A plan to bring a good end to the summer." On Sunday night, the Zentral Hall hosted a group of spectators who... [+]
When: 11 August
Where:Ermita de Santa Clara (Ondarroa)
We've gone to try to survive the heat on the coast, we've bathed in the beach that was being emptied, dining out and watching the concerts of Santa Clara Day... [+]
Summer comes and with it the popular festivals of towns, neighborhoods and cities. Festivities have always been the refuge of social and political demands, neighborhood relations and popular euphoria. They take our streets and for a few days they are an example of... [+]
Bi edizio baino ez zaizkio geratzen elkartasun jaialdiari. Antolakuntzak iragarri bezala, ohiko jaialdia eginen dute abenduaren 28an, eta 2025eko uztailean lau eguneko jaialdi berezi baten ostean, agur esateko une gazi-gozoa helduko da. Aritz Colio Hatortxuko antolakuntzako... [+]
WHEN: February 23.
PLACE: Sala Totem de Villava.
We had no doubt that Pello Reparaz and his band prepared the show, the question was how it was. The first three concerts of Aaztiyen tour in Villava –(sic.) In... [+]
The last crusade, the last pleasure, the last sigh... The repertoire of Basque music dedicated to the last is prolific. The latter, moreover, gains added value when it cannot be predicted, even if groups are increasingly measured when and how to say goodbye.
Recently, Huntza... [+]
Mefsst! Feminist musical revolt
WHEN: 24 February
WHERE: Hiruputzu youth centre in Zarautz
Mefsst starts with the Ainara Legardon conference! Second day of the festival in the gaztetxe Hiruputzu of Zarautz,... [+]