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ETA dissolved a few witnesses at the Henri Dunant centre

Henri Dunant Zentroko zuzendari David Harland-ek ETAren agiria erakutsi eta desegitea frogatutzat ematen zutela bermatu zuen. Argazkian, hitz egin ostean aulkian eserita, ETAren agiria eskuan.
Henri Dunant Zentroko zuzendari David Harland-ek ETAren agiria erakutsi eta desegitea frogatutzat ematen zutela bermatu zuen. Argazkian, hitz egin ostean aulkian eserita, ETAren agiria eskuan.Argazkia: Estitxu Eizagirre

The newspaper El Mundo filtered the news on April 27: On 3 May, at 14:00 a.m., three ETA members would record a video at the Henri Dunant Centre in Geneva to announce its dissolution. Two ARGIA journalists surprised us in another Swiss city, Zurich, to make the chronicle of May 1. On 30 April we would read to La Razón that the video had already been recorded at the Henri Dunant Foundation and that Spanish diplomacy had intervened “this time yes” to prevent the governments of Switzerland and Norway from expressing their support at that event. At noon on 2 May it filtered the letter that ETA signed on 16 April announcing that it had dismantled all its structures and that the next day some international television, probably the BBC, would broadcast a video.

We were lengthening our stay in Switzerland just in case, but reading what we had read, with the increasingly fierce hope of getting news on 3 May at the Henri Dunant Centre in Geneva. However, the pity of having gone in vain would have been more tender than the remorse of not having gone.

Thanks to the diplomatic work carried out by an ARGIA collaborator, on 2 May, the Henri Dunant Centre was asked, by telephone or in writing, whether the information provided by the press could be contrasted or denied and whether, the following day, an event related to the conflict in the Basque Country – and, in that case, ARGIA submitted an application for accreditation – would be held. “We make no statements about media news. Waiting for you to understand...” answer.

At 6:30 we took the car in Zurich and at 11:00 we were in the famous residence in Geneva. What a joy to watch the TV cameras on the portal! Talking to journalists from the Basque public radio and from various international media, all with the same questions: that their superiors summoned them in the hope that something would happen at 14:00, but that no one would say “what” was going to be. The rest had already pointed to the entrance and at 13:30 “something” was going to be said to the media.

We have come to the entrance with our English “enough not to starve to death.” He has taught us the journalist card, and he has told us that we are not on the list. See what you have to do to be on the list. You had to be on the list before. OK, but where to call or write (to look at the email, with our message there). Chained phrase without answer.

Around 12:30 another group arrived: Two journalists from Berria, two from Gara and the photographer from Argazki Press. They told us that the guests were two weeks before, and that this act should be private if it had not been filtered by Spanish means. The news, published on 4 May, revealed that these two media, the BBC and three Swiss media, were the only ones on call.

All the videos and photos that day, in this news of the blog Gaitzerdi.

Television stations in Euskal Herria and Switzerland opened their doors at 13:30 in the afternoon to be able to enter. 13:45 Berria - Toulouse-Argazki Pressi. At 13:55 hours, several televisions and press from Spain and Europe entered the site, with EFE cameras and two ARGIA journalists who would broadcast images.

All facilities to publicize the declaration of independence of Catalonia were made available to all media and journalists. Number of people who have made their presence known, greater international projection. What variables can prioritize a private event versus the largest possible international projection? We knew Christiane Taubira, a former Minister of Justice of France, among the “diplomats” attending. Why did the international representatives not take pictures together, why did they not publish their list of names? Maybe over time we'll know something.

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