Are you against wind energy?
No, we are in favour of renewable energies that can slow down global warming. We are, however, opposed to taxation, because large companies that have no other purpose than to earn more money want to impose a development model that is alien to our way of life. In addition, the so-called green energy is not so green. For example, we've looked at Iberdrola: it paints itself green, but only 4 percent of the energy it generates comes from renewable sources. They have no sincere intention of curbing global warming. Companies have created a carbon market, that is, they can buy carbon bonds without their carbon emissions slowing down. There are many processes of exploitation of the territories and people in the construction of wind turbines. We want people to be able to see the whole issue of wind energy, not to sell the idea that energy, even if it's generated by wind, is green by itself.
How did wind farm construction begin in Oaxaca?
In the isthmus of Tehuantepec we live five indigenous peoples and, to our disgrace, it is a region of wind. We did not expect the wind to be the starting point of our destruction, since in our language we designate both the wind and the air with the word “two”. The decisions taken in Kyoto and Paris have led Mexico to commit itself to the energy transition to exploit renewable energies. Well, the global capitalist system extends to the lands of the entire planet, depriving peoples of their assets and resources. There the big companies have started to appear, some of which you will know: Gamesa, Fenosa, Acciona, Renovalia Energy, Abengoa, Siemens
In principle, it should be beneficial to the
comarca.Se says that companies are investing in the development of our region to create jobs for all, but things are not like that. First of all, he has never said that 80 per cent of the investment announced by the Government will remain in technology, outside Mexico, in areas where technology is generated. The other 20% is carried by those who are installing the park and 0.1% is received by farmers who own land. This is a 17-page contract in legal language for indigenous people who cannot read or write. Since the entry into force of neoliberalism, the government is outside the power generation and the sector is in the hands of speculators. Thousands of hectares have been taken over, 1,925 wind turbines have already been installed in 25 wind farms and the government wants to increase the total number of parks by 3,000 megawatts. The impact on the territory is very high.
What is the influence of parks in communities?
They influence in many ways: social inequalities are accentuated, land is fragmented, agriculture and livestock are fired... Another consequence is deforestation, the construction of roads and the deforestation around generators, the deforestation of platforms and cranes, the death of many animals... They represent a huge ecological loss. According to a study by Oxfam, 46% of the population in the area suffers from severe poverty. The standard of living is deteriorating, agricultural and fisheries production is becoming increasingly scarce. Prostitution has also increased considerably, as most of the workers in these large projects are men who come from far away. Meanwhile, electricity tariffs have risen and, paradoxically, many families in the region are in default.
What can you do about this? As an indigenous
people, we have the right to be demanded, to decide freely and to be informed beforehand. That is in the international treaties that Mexico has signed.
Why is it not done?
Because they don't consider us people. Proof of this is that these companies do not pay taxes. In the Basque Country there has been a movement against the increase in electricity and the defence of the land, but only we will not be able to stop the destruction. We're David versus Goliath, but they don't know that that sling is a plot today, if we hadn't had contact with more people, we would have been killed a long time ago.
How is the indigenous movement currently in Mexico? Almost 25 years ago there was a huge explosion around the EZLN, but today we have less information. More than the
EZLN is the Mexican indigenous movement. That was a cry, a milestone, to make the indigenous movements of the country see. We started to get to know each other and recognize each other. What we now have in our hands is the Indigenous Governing Council, and we are more united than ever with other oppressed sectors. There are many territories and collectives persecuted by the hunger for international capital, unresolved massacres... There is the four-month trajectory of the indigenous presidential candidate, María de Jesús Patricio Marichuy. We have had the opportunity to strengthen our movement, to seek consensus, to overcome inequalities. There will be no future if we do not do so in Mexico.
"Ikasle mugimenduan hasi nintzen 13 urterekin, herrian bertan, garraioen merkatzearen eta hezkuntzaren alde. Gogoan dut amak babestu ninduela, beste guraso batzuekin batera, egiten genuena bidezkoa zela iritzita. Nekazal ingeniaritza ikasi nuen ondoren Mexikoko UNAMen, eskualdeko landa garapena Chapingo unibertsitatean eta lurralde antolaketa Bartzelonan. Ezkondua naiz eta bi alaba ditut. 2012an kartzelatu ninduten, aberastasun nazionalaren kontrako delituak leporatuta. Nire senarrak ere mugimenduan parte hartzen du, berriki sikarioak bidali zituzten haren bila lantokira eta bolada batez eskualdetik kanpora alde egin behar izan du”
The update of the Navarra Energy Plan goes unnoticed. The Government of Navarre made this public and, at the end of the period for the submission of claims, no government official has explained to us what their proposals are to the citizens.
The reading of the documentation... [+]