What was meant to be represented by the Kanbo act?
Give international support to the latest ETA decision. All the international actors present at the demonstration applauded ETA’s courage and thanked it for having fulfilled the commitments made in Aiete, unlike the Spanish Government. Also, the Kanbo act has also raised the disappearance of ETA as a political conflict to which a just, democratic and comprehensive solution must be given.
And what was wanted with the event held a day earlier in Geneva? It was organised by the Henri
Dunant Foundation and international observers saw that the last ETA statement was true.
Not everything went as planned.
Days earlier, ETA had sent a letter to various agents and individuals informing of the final decision, and some of them had filtered it through its web. That's public.
In addition, Geneva wanted to hold another kind of event, but because of pressure from Spain it could not be held.
No. Spain tried to prevent this event from taking place, but Switzerland did not accept it.
If it was a matter of verifying the communiqué before the international community, was it not appropriate for as many media outlets as possible to be made available in Geneva to disseminate the news in Europe and wherever possible?
The aim was to avoid the pressure exerted by the Spanish State on the playing field. The more people were aware of this event, the more likely it was that Spain had knowledge of it and pressed for it not to happen.
ETA has disappeared without achieving the only objective to be achieved by negotiation. Is it a tough or dignified ending?
It's dignified. ETA has voluntarily and standing over its 60-year trajectory. The ETA itself acknowledges that it has not achieved these objectives, but in this balance it also puts many other positive elements that must also be taken into account.
Aljer, Lizarra-Garazi, Loiola… hasn’t the end come too late?
ETA says that he would also have preferred this to end sooner. He says that throughout history he has been working with the Spanish State to ensure that the solution can be negotiated and negotiated. However, the State has not wanted to accept it and has not done so now either. That has gone beyond what is necessary the cycle of armed confrontation, which is not over. ETA and Left Abertzale are betting on peaceful avenues, while the state continues to use political violence to this day.
As the problem of prisoners is so important, how can we understand that from 2011 until today there is a need for ETA to disappear? Wasn't it more logical to be much earlier?
Yes, but it has lengthened as much as a result of the sabotaging attitude of both states. Fortunately, the French State has begun to take a few steps, but the Spanish State remains in a "lockdown" position.
Now the Left Abertzale is being asked to say: “Everything that ETA did was unfair and was wrong, it should never happen.” What do you say? That this
request is in no way fair, fair and reasonable. These kinds of demands make it difficult to solve and impose a narrative: the story of the good and the bad, the fairest and the most unfair. From respect to the truth, we cannot admit it, but in addition we cannot build a coexistence on this story.
How far is the Abertzale Left prepared to go in the self-criticism that is required of it?
So far, only the Abertzale Left has made self-criticism. The Spanish Government and the Basque autonomous region have not made any self-criticism. We have not heard the PP assume its responsibility for torture, nor have we heard its responsibility for the creation of the PSOE GAL, nor have we heard the PNV accept its responsibility for over 300 tortured men attributed to the Ertzaintza. Or your responsibility for dispersion -- it's time for them to take on their responsibility.
You have blamed yourself for being late in the end only on the side of the state. Does the Abertzale Left have no responsibility for this?
He has it and we have mentioned it. The Abertzale Left had to realise before the State had no will to find a political and democratic solution to this conflict. Before we had to realize that with a strategy like this we were not going to bring the state to the solution and that we had to look for another strategy, as we have done later.
And as a result of its late arrival, the Abertzale Left came weakly into the peace process. Or not?
I believe that it came with force, and proof of this was the strength gained in 2011 by left-wing sovereigns. It was then that independence achieved the greatest institutional representation ever held in this country. On the other hand, since the change of strategy of the Abertzale Left, the greatest mobilizations of the last decades have been carried out.
I am focused on the goals to be achieved in a peace process.
Yes, but this is no longer a classic peace process, because on the other side of the table there are no interlocutors. We are in a unilateral logic and our strength will no longer be measured in the strength that ETA or the Left Abertzale might have; it will be measured in terms of the strength there is to articulate alliances and majorities. What has happened in Ipar Euskal Herria is a good example in this regard.
Yes, but those of Ipar Euskal Herria achieve that in Kanbo almost all of its institutional representation is present, and from Hegoalde there is no government, no council, no municipal representation.
It is true, but the political and trade union majority in the South was there. Urkullu was not there and Barkos was not, but the PNV was.
And how do you interpret the appearance of the two lehendakaris in the afternoon?
They counter-programmed and we find that regrettable. They did not live up to this historic moment. However, we preferred to stay on the positive side of the statement they made and, in this regard, they acknowledged the importance of the step taken by ETA.
This ETA ending has left you a sweet, bittersweet or bitter taste.
[Thought answer] Sweet. The Abertzale Left has not succeeded in forcing the State to give a democratic way out of the political conflict. But it does sow sufficient conditions for a country process aimed at sovereignty. ETA has left a profound mark on the history of this country.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.