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Like I was a handful

  • When spring comes with the first ray of sunshine, the skies of Euskal Herria swell with birds. Even in winter, they sing jumping over turbulent waters. Hundreds of songs in Basque reflect this madness, which is essentially madness and at the same time a disgrace, because the bird often represents the freedom we feel little in our lives. Today the chapter dedicated to Josean Artze...
Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu
Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi".Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi".
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
In Euskal Herria we have a mental imaginary comparable to many other counties that are denied the political condition of pueblo.Los birds
are the axes of the symbolism that brings this pain

In Euskal Herria, we have a mental imaginary comparable to many counties that are denied the political status of the people. Birds are the axes of the symbolism that brings this pain. In sight, everything sounds as individually as pain does collectively. Our ancestors had little freedom as people: those of the house and those of the neighbors kept them under the authority, the priests and later the poles of the hands of the States, someone had to explain what, when, how and how they should do it, starting with the most intimate places of life.

It must not be said that Basque society, or in this case society, demands the citizens. Although we don't accept it, we're in a constant competition that leads us to win, to be the best, the biggest, the most perfect. We have clear ideas about the world and often contrary to general opinion, and that pushes us to be violent from time to time. We are the birds that honor so much in our daily occupations, in our thoughts, in our wounds, weak and with the greatest freedom in our dreams.

We are also encouraged by a poetic belief: Wasn't the inventor of Zuberoa's wild relatives who shaped the first melodies by mimicking hawks? Atharratze filmmaker Elsa Oliarj-Ines and his brother musician Oihan try to pierce this mystery into the new documentary Basahaideak. It is also said that the sound of the whistle, which began with that bone underneath the porch of Isturitz, intended to captivate the murmurs of the wind and the bird. We like to create beautiful stories that are intertwined with nature.

Songs starring birds talk about personal freedom, misfortune,
love, sex...

In addition to the routine successes, the songs of the 20th century that speak of birds have also become the halago of all the lips and gorges: The brilliant bird of Josean Artze and Mikel Laboa, and among other things, Ide, spilled by the mouth of Maddi Oihenart, who ends up in savage relatives, said Peio Serbielle was in jail. I will not forget the exciting Hegoak that the Ken Zazpi group solemnly offered alongside the Euskadi Symphony Orchestra. When social pressure is heavy, it is urgent to have the bird’s favorite lace to get away from the danger of burn-out inside the heart!

In the
Xoriñua cage, she
sadly sings what she
eats, what she
drinks Wants
out Because Libertatia is beautiful when she

This is the beginning of the most exciting Basque song that gives rise to freedom and captivity. It was recorded by Amaia Zubiria with the music of Pascal Gaigne. He asked us an exciting question. What's better at securing physical life or starving when you're free? Many times we have doubts and, in the mania of the birds, we feel frustrated and disgraceful, causing the envy of a bird that has bones and feathers on the outside.

You, the bird outside,
if you look at the cage is worth

more than Him, look for Him, for Libertatía is beautiful at the moment when vas.La freedom here is personal, intimate, sweeter when it extends


the side of what we love. The error of the stomach with the exalted enthusiasm of love could, however, be tolerated, according to the bertsolari, that the cage or freedom are inadmissible:

I dreamed of Barda
watching the
Beloved. See and not
be able to speak.
Great grief and misery?
I wish I died.

bird is the symbol of misfortune, when the singer fails to achieve his goals. This is also shown by the author of the poem Xorittoa Nora doa, who in the last coplas gets fired from love forever. The hermitage of San Josef is located in the mountains of Larraine and the migrant bird is about to pass to Spain:

Upload the desert hermitage of San José:
When I left for Spain, there is my peace.
He turned his eyes back and breathed deep.

Sighs, go away, beloved, savage.
Go and tell me I guess you!
You can sit in your heart like me.

We don't know how to represent the gorietas that you have to man or woman. I guess the singer talks to the bird. In the end, it does not matter so much, because the one who departs is aware of the pain he produces, and because what remains is obliged to give up love:

Amorio, amorio, says whoever he wants. Those living
in the Harekila have Güti pleasures:
I, on the other hand, have said

goodbye… Happy end is little in the Basque songs.

In the Basque Country, perhaps the most cited of the birds is the Resiñol. A bird of less than twenty grams is the backbone of several Eresias offered with a loving voice. The skilful pinzón, fearless for being scattered throughout the villages, has become a friend of the living and the collector of their sorrows:

Singing the Golden Gorlon
perfectly, singing to every corner of

the Bard’arratsian, if
in a Sasi there was Biga:
They were beautiful,
delightful. With
all kinds of
manners and
many apples agradas.Los

birds of these verses are brave boys and girls (or men and women) touching leather away from the eyes of the world. But there's always someone watching: a hunter. Considering the males and females that kick the bodies, the collective memory immediately generates cocks that are not forgotten. Seeing the witness, the male raises his head to protect the female naked and terrified. Remember the child.

And then, where did the blood come from,
introduced into the great Skirt?
buche Kukurusta

stood he remembered Umez on the bed.

Txori Erkidola can also be a young woman whose parents chained her and forced her to marry a man they have chosen, such as in the moving anthem Txori Resiñola:

You're in the bird and don't sing, you're in the bird and don't make noise Eztüzü takes advantage of me penatürik No and no pleasure You don't get

me into a
robe… The girl is stuck in the finish to the point of despair, like the poor Resiñola, to the

desire of death. A voice that we don't know who it is proposes that Orhi untie the strings and flee through the Borg as if it were a rescue abroad:

You're crazy and don't sleep,
what have you prophesied for aflijitu?
I was carrying
the Oriko
Ororen Gañek project.

The ravens of the Tower of the Alos, in the late Middle Ages, are at the head. And the windows still croa kroa kroa kroa kroa kroa kroa. There are also parras of Ainara. How not? The Red Papos have approached us as reporters in the song of the album by Guk Herria zain 1985:A beautiful red and white brooch brought

me the news in the
morning that
the people had delivered in the morning!
… The
workers have freed me
Our work to us in our
beautiful Heart

… The Basque cannot walk through the firmament without contemplating the eagles that are admired in deep rounding. The bird that appears in the coat of arms of Navarre has been offered many songs, such as this love story that ends badly:

Eagles rise violently by the slopes:
I also in the canbers, Orai
instead of plowing in the eyes… Bertsolari,

after using the eagle metaphor, considers it a great bankruptcy to abandon the brides. People are not relatives of an airplane that breaks the skies. Nowhere.

Hanbat düzü aflijitürik, libertatia
galdürik, Pain penalty laden, No
add-ons, Gold by itself, Amoriuak

traditürik… We could lengthen the list. In our brains, the figures of birds are grafted. In this field, large and small people have the same tastes. For the children there is the playful singing of the Palillo, which is sung breathless, by clicking the regordeth hands of the children:The naïve has lost his head, the Peak, the neck, the eye… The naïve… How to sing, how to sing, how to sing, How to sing the naïve songs… These splintered songs were the way to sleep happy at any precious stones.

2018ko maiatzaren 13a
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