In the 2018 edition Loraldia maintains the tendency to pay tribute to the myths of Basque culture and on the night of March 14 was the turn of Ruper Ordorika. As a Wednesday, someone expected a sparse audience, but it was quite the opposite. The crowded Kafe Antzokia wishes to hear familiar and unknown songs from Ruper. Ruper has a special magic, a simple note from his guitar turns on the spark, “that I know better than others all the words of this song”.
But, for example, Ruper's guitar could not be seen in the Kafe Antzokia of the Basque capital. Ruper Ordorika was not present at the tribute show to Ruper Ordorika. But yes their fellow travellers and fresh and veteran voices from the Basque music scene. They played two or three pieces, all versions of Ruper's songs, and they left people open. Before accommodating the musicians, Fermin Etxegoien, representing the “domestic musicians”, appeared on stage. After all, who hasn't ever sang a Ruper song in the intimacy of the house?
Despite his dubious musical endowments, Etxegoien knew how to arm the audience when he arrived. Ixiar Oreja made a brief and intense reappearance, accompanied by members of Bide Ertzean, and Mikel Uraken’s distorted voice led Ruper’s repertoire to another dimension (the rupertory).
Then, Petti, with his friends of the Balerdi, presented three versions chosen from the point of view of the tabernacle: The first one is suitable for listening in the morning; the second one for after eating; the third one for the night. That hard rock, that deep voice ... It was Petti, yes, on the stage, but also Ruper. A strange and fruitful mixture through people's reaction.
The three versions of Miren Narbaiza served to enjoy the style he has developed for the new MICE project. Style with soul to perform songs with soul. Finally, Ken Zazpi was in charge of getting on the stage. And yes, in the end we heard what you love, if someone hesitated. Ruper's songs were touched with some kind of epicacy, as Ken Zazpi tends to do.
However, the main animator of the night was not a musician. The audience welcomed Bernardo Atxaga with a respectful applause and greeted him with a hum of delight. From his novels, his memories and the events surrounding him, he built an amazing exciting story, full of life, full of humor. From time to time he was forced to interrupt his speech, infected by the laughter and screaming of the public. We drove home with Ruper's songs recorded in memory and the smile that Atxaga ignited didn't get drunk from his mouth.
Bilbao will flourish and echo the Basque in seven or seventeen strident streets, and it will extend to the ensanches and extend through neighborhoods to Otxarkoaga and beyond. Spring will reach our language after the winter of the centuries. It will happen this spring. The... [+]
Loraldia Festibala amaitu eta "erabateko arrakasta"-tzat jo dute antolatzaileek. Bost astetan Bilbo "euskarazko sormenaren erdigune" bihurtu dela azpimarratu dute, bai eta ikuslegoaren harrera ona ere. Ikuskizun gehienetan eserleku-kopuruaren %80 baino... [+]
René Le Henaff zuzendariak hiru dimentsioen teknikarekin esperimentatzeko Euskal Herrian grabatu zuen filma aurkitu du Josu Martinez zinegile eta ikerlari bilbotarrak. Euskadi filmaren lau emanaldi egingo dituzte martxoan, Bilbon, Iruñean, Donostian eta Baionan.
Euskal kulturaren udaberriko hitzordua hastear da Bilbon. 30 emanaldi eta 150 sortzaile baino gehiago bilduko ditu 32 egunetan. “Berritzailea eta bizigarria” egiteko asmoa dute antolatzaileek.
Euskal kultura ikustaraztea da festibalaren helburua. Apirilaren 9tik 24ra hamaika ekitaldi izango da Bilboko hainbat txokotan.