Over the past month, Errigora volunteers have been engaged in the spring campaign. On this occasion they were asked to offer olive oil and vegetable preserves from the south of Navarra. With the results of the campaign in hand, the drivers have made a very positive assessment: once again the number of applicants for products from southern Navarre has risen.
In last year’s spring campaign, Errigora made a big leap: in addition to the products produced in conventional, they dedicated themselves to offering products produced in an ecological way, obtaining very good results. This year, the aim was to maintain last year’s rise and stabilise the Errigora community, but in addition to stabilising it, they have in the end managed to bring more people together in the initiative. In total, 93,000 litres of oil and 207,000 cans will be distributed in the Eskutik eskura campaign, which this year is 200 years old. 35% of orders are organic products and 65% are conventional.
“Who would have thought that five years ago, when this campaign was not a project, we would get here? Who would have imagined that Euskera was going to take its place in hundreds of thousands of boats?”, the drivers of the initiative are asked in a statement disseminated with the results. The initiative was born with the objective of influencing the consumption habits of citizens, and it can be said that the intention is being progressively fulfilled: This year, a total of 6,500 households will fill their oil closets and preserves in the south of Navarra.
The Errigora network already reaches 72 villages in the Basque Country. The campaign and distribution in each locality are carried out by local voluntary groups. “This is not the result of chance, but of public work. All this is possible thanks to the hundreds of neighbours and neighbours we dedicate ourselves to this campaign,” they stressed in the note.
The note has been used to congratulate and thank the farmers who produce and manufacture oil and preserves, the volunteers, the media who have helped to spread the Rio message and the consumers who have joined the campaign. Because they have made it possible to continue to drive the farmers of southern Navarre by strengthening the community of Errigora.
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Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.