We are in the midst of a world imperialist offensive led by the Western bourgeoisie. The form that the imperialist offensive has taken is that of war, with all its variants: economic war, cognitive and cultural war, lawfarr; and, of course, military war. Western imperialism has... [+]
Japan, 8th century. In the middle of the Nara Era they began to use the term furoshiki, but until the Edo Era (XVII-XIX. the 20th century) did not spread. Furoshiki is the art of collecting objects in ovens, but its etymology makes its origin clear: furo means bath and shiki... [+]
Mexikoko bi emakume hauen bizitzak indarkeriak eta desplazamenduak zeharkatzen ditu. Haien familiako edo komunitateko kideak hiltzen ikusi dituzte, eta krimen antolatuak zabaltzen duen terrorea azalean sentitu dute; mehatxuak, jazarpena... ohiko dituzte. Baina horrek guztiak... [+]
I just saw a series from another sad detective. All the plots take place on a remote island in Scotland. You know how these fictions work: many dead, ordinary people but not so many, and the dark green landscape. This time it reminded me of a trip I made to the Scottish... [+]