Today's people live surrounded by iconosphere. In this artificial layer media mass I have remembered the expression “television is the most effective vision”. I added “radio” when performing this analysis.
I have a number of messages that I hear on the radio. An announcement, after the summer, offered us the security guarantee of the house for the winter season. Aimed at “owners of second houses” of the coast. It was so embarrassing that they had to “change” the literality of the message.
In this year’s enrollment campaign, as reported by the private school announcement, children are meant to be “engineers, doctors or lawyers,” said by their voice. Similarly, public schools. They also want to be “actors.” Nobody wants to be a “firefighter, plumber or baker.” All of them have been heard in the space of the announcements of the Tertulians, in which each Tertulian gives “lessons” from his morality and ethics. These messages have been received through Euskadi Irratia (EI).
In E.I.'s interview, M. The question of journalist A. is thus answered by the Member of the Culture Council of Gipuzkoa D. I. K: “Well, I’ll tell you the truth…” It was the fourth question, which seemed to be “false” for having answered the previous ones. I know, it's a matter of "dialectics." In this case, it is the “logic” of politicians.
I also remember a television announcement announcing steam. After showing the physical gifts of the woman, under the eyes of men, one gives “one ass” to the other. An image can be removed for a moment a thousand hours from school education.
It complies with what Castells announced 30 years ago “media vs media”:“In the communication ecosystem of Western modern society, our imaginative world consists of audiovisual visions. Our ability to think would have been dazzled by the power of media images and ads.”
Turning to “politics”: if it is not for the will of the Spanish or French governments, for the justice of both states, the law must be absolutely respected. The application of Article 155 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain has no limit on prohibitions. The French President, Macron, announced on his trip to Corsica the new time of the French: the popular languages will be “respected” within the framework of the law.
The powerful, always from the media, are in the framework of their communication codes, and we, the subjects of the mass media, under no circumstances can we impose our own. The result of the analysis is disease. They have no choice for “our problems”, neither do we!
Mugimenduak mahai gainean jarri du euskarazko edukiak sustatzeko beharra, eta horren aurrean ETBk duen interes falta. Lehentasuna gaztelaniazko saioei ematea egotzi dio. ETB emozioen festa izan dadin, aldatu gidoia euskararen alde! lelopean, aldaketa eskatu dio telebista... [+]
The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of the petirreds. After laying, the cuckoo does not feed and grows to your puppy, as the robin takes care of it.
I don't know how many years of survival the cubes have. I know that the bird in our house is over 40 years old and unfortunately... [+]
Berrian lan egiten duen kazetariak, Euskal Telebistaz liburua idatzi berri du Txoria hodei artean, ETB lehen eta gero. Galdera batekin abiatzen du liburua kazetariak: 40 urte bete dituen Euskal Telebistak behar den gisan arrapostu ematen al dio euskal jendartearen egungo... [+]
The news I read a few weeks ago prompted me to address this issue: ETB3’s decision not to extend Ene Kantak’s children’s program at ETB3 surprised me and I still do not understand it, being an orderly and appropriate program.
I see very little television in recent years,... [+]