Ahead, the reds, the natives, the nobles, the cleaners, the order. Black liver, outsiders, poorer liver, disorder.
I see this distinction, but researchers also say it's true. Not everyone, but many researchers say that's how the masks look.
You see racism in the masks. I
don't feel good when I see how the gypsies appear in the masks. The characters of Buhame and Kauter are wonderful, I love them, they make street theater and I love this art. But still, the Gypsies appear like thieves, drunks and sloths. I don't want that. When they looked at the history of the Basque Country, they were taught that way and experienced many repressions to correct it.
You have only a little to denounce. Why is it hard to recognize this to Sulatins and researchers?
Because that's how it is. Parents did this, grandparents and grandmothers did this too... It is a tradition! That's it and you don't see it! Researchers also disagree. They say there's bohemians or cingars, but they don't see anything else. They don't look at what the gypsy brings and what surrounds her. However, if we look around us, in history, we understand a lot.
Many represent in bohemians the attractive idea of Basque free and that is what they like.
The second part of the masks is like this, but the first part is to mock the bohemians, that's safe. Some say it is a criticism of good society and noble Basques, but that is not cierto.Las the laws of bohemians are to mock the bohemians. I've talked about a couple of zíngaros, and I think the singers would be able to make that mockery of yourself, because they love theater. This is not the case, they would do very well. But let the Roma really do! That is what counts.
What would change to the masked?Saying
that the Gypsies are the robbers and saying that they are still... could make this speech disappear. If not, instead of saying “we are gypsies” say “we walk muskildarrak” and then do the same. You can change your speech. Many things have changed in the masks: the dance has occupied a great place, some characters have disappeared, others have come... You always have the masks if you change.
In the end, isn't it a question of mentality? If society doesn't change, the masks won't change.
You are a drone because it is not a question of mentality. You don't see racism! Young people play the Roma, but they do not know them, they never know the life of the Roma. When I was young there were many Portuguese people in Zuberoa and racism was directed at the Portuguese, racism which was once for the Bohemians was for the Portuguese. Even today, some Bohemians are not good. For example, in the case of Baja, they are still stigmatized. They often do not know for themselves what, because nothing is said about their history and because it is still taboo today.
What place did they have in Iparralde?In the
1802 raid, they counted 475 and were between 600 and 800 in the North in the 19th century. They were mainly from Baja Navarra. On the coast they were kaskarots, but we are not sure that it was the same equipment, since two names were used.
Will the masks change?
They must understand that this should not be the case. As we are talking about gypsies, we do not ask anything, it remains the same. In addition, the Roma are not only poor, it is not just a social class; you have a people, with a culture, that has suffered a lot in the Basque Country. It's not normal.
Many characters have disappeared. Most of them are Roma.
Yes. There was also a woman: the cantinera was gypsy, also with caution there was a wife, a bear, and if you look at the other masks, the companion is always a cingulo.
The disappearance of wives would be a sign of patriarchy.
I don't know if it's related to patriarchy. They weren't women, they were men dressed as women. There were births and they were worried.
Who did you crave convulsive?
They say the priests disagreed. They said and did what they wanted, that they didn't like the priests and that's why they disappeared.
It has been in many masks from other European countries.
They have a great figure among them. The organization is the same, in the advance of the day there are also many ways, they make a tour of the streets and then give the game in the plaza. Always before there is a couple, married and to the liver, a zamaltzain, a bear and a tamer, and then, a cautionary and bohemian, if they are gypsies.
Because the gypsies of our masks are part of the town of the kindergartens. The
Gypsies are part of the history of the Indians, before, before, before, before, before, before, as we called in France, they had the same name, since then they have exchanged words and have called the Manouche or Gypsy groups.
“Maskaradak ezagutzen ditut, zuberotarra nauzu; baina, tziganoak maskaradetan hori ez nuen ezagutzen. Duela hamar urte hasi nituen ene ikerketak. Xiru festibalarentzat fanfarre bat xerkatzen genuela, 1802an Maulen buhameen sarekada bat izan zela deskubritu nuen. Orduan ez nekien buhameak tziganoak zirela, ez nekien deus. Xerkatu nuen amiñi bat eta prefosta, maskaradetan buhameak ukanki, nahi nuen konprenitu zertako”.
Basabürüako ibar eskuineko gazteek lehen maskarada arrakastatsua eman dute igandean, Lakarrin.
Xiberoa eta Baxe Nafarroa artetik jalgiko da aurten maskarada. Ehun urteko etenaldiaren ondotik, xiberotar usaia berreskuratuko dute aurten Pagolako gazteek.
Hasi dira maskaradak Zuberoan, urteroko tradizioari jarraiki. Alabaina, tradizioak aldatu daitezkeela erakutsi dute aurten Maulen: lehen aldiz, ez da buhamerik izango. Pertsonaia horiek ijitoak ziren, eta estereotipoetatik eta arrazakeriaz antzezten zirela salatu izan dute... [+]
Herri batzuetan urtero moduko inauteriak izango direla adierazi da, beste zenbaitetan moldatu egin dituzte eta beste batzuetan bertan behera gelditu dira inauteriak. Sarrera honetan beste urteetan ospatu izan diren errituak zerrendatu ditugu, baina horrek ez du esan nahi aurten... [+]
Zamaltzain, entseinari zein laborari aritua da Joimo Arantzet (Atharrazte, 1974) hainbat maskaradetan. Etxetik jaso du dantza, Zuberoan ohikoa izan den moduan, eta seme-alabei ere transmititu die dantzarekiko maitasuna eta gaitasuna. Etxekoei ez ezik baita inguruko hainbat... [+]
2021eko Maskaradak bukatu orduko hasiko dira 2022koak. Izan ere, pandemia dela-eta Barkoxeko gazteek inauteriak neguan ospatu beharrean udan hasi zituzten iaz, eta urtarrilaren 8an Barkoxen emango diote amaiera. Astebete beranduago, urtarrilaren 16an, abiatuko dira... [+]
2020an eman behar zuen Barkoxek maskarada Atarratzerekin batera.
COVID pandemia dela eta beste kultur ekitaldi guziak bezala, kanbiamenak izango dira Xiberoan ere. Aurten Altzürüküko maskaradak zale ekuarazi baditu ere, ondoko urtean ondorioak ekarriko ditu.