For some, only the level of amateurs serves to produce professionals. Is that sport? I am a professor at the School of Education and Sport at UPV/EHU and I understand sport differently. There is discrimination in Basque cycling and it is paid with public money. The Basque Government grants EUR 130,000 annually to the federation.
Until eight years ago, there was no age limit. About fifteen years ago, but because there were too many people: in six races, we went out over 300. In 2006 it was proposed to abolish it, as there were fewer people and there was no problem. However, two 40-year-old cyclists appeared in the bullring and started winning races. The suspicion that they were doped was widespread. That did not please the Basque Federation and again set the age limit to avoid problems.
So I raised my hand. And when we didn't doom, what? Well, those of the Federation told me that I had already gone a long way. They didn't tell me to run in master's degrees, but, directly, I had to leave the sport. What right does a Federation say to an athlete who cannot do sport?
There were supposed to be mercenaries in the platoon looking for money and doping, and a solution had to be found. I agreed. I made the following proposal: that everyone should participate and that there should be no prizes for those over 25. In this way, this money could be used for anti-doping controls. Controls are never carried out. Well, I have again and again received a refusal. The Federation does not have the courage to respond with real arguments.
In women there is no age limit. The 50-year-old people have participated in the Women’s Basque Championship. And what happened? Nothing. Everyone has done their own thing, it has done well, and it is. It is absurd and illegal for men to have to walk like this. The age limit does not comply with Article 41 of Decree 16/2006 of the Basque Sports Federations. By virtue of this, “contests shall be open to all natural and legal persons holding a licence, without distinction”.
I denounced at the time, but the courts ruled that the Basque Federation is a private entity and therefore has the right to do whatever it wants. What if it says next year that Jews cannot participate? Segregation is private, but public, to receive public money. I also went to the races to protest. Then I received the threats from the federation and opened a dossier based on lies.
Last year I collected signatures from cyclists. I got 152 signatures; in the races, there are an average of 150 cyclists. With those signatures, I went to the federation, but the president didn't give them any value. Next time I will collect between the groups. Some groups are in favour of age limitation, which is the strongest and the most money it has. But most groups are against it.
It revives this situation. A solution can be sought, but the Federation pays deaf ears to any request. I want to do sport, they don't leave me, and here everyone washes their hands.
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