Evidence of the gender gap in wage and labor has reached a certain media and social presence in recent times. According to the INE (National Statistical Institute), almost three-quarters of temporary contracts are held by women in the Spanish State. Also, the data provided by this source indicate that in 2014 in Navarre, paid women gained 30% less than men and 24% less in the rest of Hegoalde. On the contrary, although the gender gap in the field of poverty is evident, there are difficulties in measuring it. Poverty has a woman's face, but demonstrating it is not an easy task.
In the area of poverty statistics, very little work has been done on a gender perspective. Since statistics is also a field for men, it is not surprising that in measures of poverty the gender profile is kept secret. Women in the Spanish State have the highest wage, lowest pension or unemployment rate, but the official poverty risk index is similar for men and women. However, the official data do not match the reality. In statistics, the trick is how to build a space at home. Most organizations build family statistics based on averages. However, those who do not have their own incomes in a family can hardly obtain the income equitably. In addition, the distribution of household tasks and time is based on inequality, especially with regard to gender and age.
Women in the Spanish State have the highest wage, lowest pension or unemployment rate, but the official poverty risk index is similar for men and women. However, the official data do not match the reality. The trick is in a position to build a domestic space in statistics.
Thus, when the income of women and men is separated, the incorrect situation of women is made visible. It is not usual, but, for example, the journal of Research and Social Analysis of the City of Barcelona has used this route. This study shows that in Catalonia the poverty risk index of women is around 50% and that of men around 24%. Another reason that hides the gender gap in the field of poverty is the measure of
poverty itself. In fact, official statistics only take into account the economic criterion for measuring poverty, forgetting that poverty has a multidimensional character. In addition to the amount of income to analyze situations of poverty, it is essential to take into account factors such as wealth and not just income, consumption possibilities, low labor intensity and the impact of unemployment, inequality rates or protection against the vulnerability offered by public policies and public services.
Moreover, despite its scarce predicament, autonomy and accessibility over time are also key to building an integral vision of poverty. That is why we talk about the poverty of time in today’s prosperous societies. The poverty of time shows that some people, whether paid or not, after studies or other basic tasks, do not have enough time, for example, to rest or to enjoy. This situation allows an explanation of domestic situations in terms of gender inequality, which otherwise has a very difficult diagnosis. Likewise, the poverty of time provides information on the compatibility of care with other works. In short, the concept of time poverty also helps to detect when women may be at risk of social exhaustion due to their multiple roles.
Therefore, it is evident that the gender perspective is very limited in the construction of official statistics and economic and social analyses. This lack hides the crudest reality of female poverty.
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