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They have arrived and intend to stay

  • The rivalry between audiovisual products is becoming ever more intense, and in recent years it is becoming very difficult to catch, surprise and retain people with film, television or Internet content. However, since the new formats and platforms have opened their windows, the form and standards of television and series consumption have changed. New formats have gradually been entering our homes, including one that has been gaining more and more strength in recent months. The “interactive series” that make us direct protagonists of fiction.
'Skam' telesail norvegiarra aitzindaira izan da mota honetako ekoizpenen artean.
'Skam' telesail norvegiarra aitzindaira izan da mota honetako ekoizpenen artean.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

This idea, despite being novel within the format, was first seen in books known as Gamebook, as “choose your adventure.” The reader could choose between the lines that were within the novel, reaching an end or another according to the decision made. In the small screen, in the absence of an official name, they are known as interactive or interactive series. Compared to these paper stories, the main difference is that in the books all the frames are written beforehand, in a way they are immovable. In the series, however, it is something that can vary depending on the audience’s participation, success and response. This is a radical change in classical television rules. Before, with the issuer’s hand, it was a message (series) that the receiver picked up in one direction and in a closed way, now this new tool allows a way back and forth that the user can design their own route based on their preferences and preferences.

The 'Skam' series marks a milestone in northern Europe: it has been created to consume not only on television, but also on the networks and has been transferred from fiction to reality.

As the Internet and social networks are the indispensable tools that go hand in hand with these new productions, it is also essential to know how to adapt to a given target. Although it is a format that adapts to all ages, success is being higher among adolescents. An example of this is the Skam television series, which has caused a great stir in Norway. In 2015, public television NRK marked a milestone with this production. What is the essence of the success of this production aimed at adolescents? First of all, in addition to television, it has been created to consume in networks as well. They have become the breadwinner of each other. One remains lame without the help of the other. And secondly, that fiction jumps to reality. The characters of the story, out of fiction, interact with the audience, have their own social networks, insert into reality videos and pictures of the plot. After all, they have been able to integrate that young audience into history. The noise generated has been so great that at the moment six remakes are being prepared internationally. The Nordic people want to take advantage of this wave of transmedia storytelling at the end of 2017, Hvor er Thea? It was also released.

Many examples can also be found outside the Nordic countries. On 22 January, for example, the television channel HBO premiered its last miniseries, and it seems that they do not intend to lag behind here either. Title of production: Mosaic. New work by director Steven Soderbergh. By downloading a free app, the viewer will have the ability to make several decisions within the plot.

The importance and strength of the Internet world in today’s productions is also noted in the first season of the popular Stranger Things series. After the hashtag #JusticeForBarb (for a character named Justice Barb) became a worldwide Trending TOPIC, viewers claimed dignified treatment with this character. Creators have taken all those views into account and tried to bring a different view to the future of this character. The social network Twitter has forced it to be an interactive television in this case.

Netflix and HBO also start producing series of this kind: they make it easier for the public to make
decisions about the plot development

In addition to concrete examples, digital platforms have gradually been adapted. Netflix, for example, created last year the first interactive children's series, Buddy Thunderstruck and Puss in Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale The little ones can share opinions about the adventures they have seen, what they liked the most, what they liked the least, etc. However, don’t think it’s easy to create these special content. The work can become even more complicated when it comes to working the script, and it can pose a greater challenge in terms of production. I mean, everything gets more expensive.

Times are changing and international ears have heard the noise this new “movement” is causing. Imagine how far it goes: in the Spanish State, which normally moves far behind in the fiction of the small screen, things have started to get agitated. If you were the first interactive series in Spain to use the transmedia narrative. Each week the viewers of the series choose, through a vote, how to follow some of the schedules of the program.

But here, as usual, we seem to be looking away. When do the Basque series adapt to the new times in the Basque Country?

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