It's not the same thing to get rid of and collapse, but sometimes the only way to get rid of it is to knock it down, force it down, throw it to the ground and bring it to the ground, rather than climb into the skies. This has been done by many artists with the sculpture, and that is what June Crespo Oyaga (Pamplona, 21 January 1982) has been working on for some time. The Earth is the basis of its aesthetic.
“I don’t do so much work working on the ground, but I spend a lot of time moving, ordering, stacking… With a low point of view, at the height of the objects. Anyway, I order my things on the ground and, in this last time, on a horizontal level or on almost secondary planes. Many nearby artists work or present their work in similar ways, but also in other places. In the Netherlands, for example, I have had colleagues to work like this.” He has served for two years in the prestigious Dutch De Ateliers, before the Swedish IASPIS, where he has previously participated. In 2013 he received the UnionArtea Prize.
“According to Deleuz, the horizon refers fundamentally to the view and the ground, fundamentally to the touch. In my opinion, it may have to do with what Rosalind Krauss says about a more enriching point of view: the connection to the ground connects sight and touch.”
These words have been taken from an interview, between Iñaki Imaz and June Crespo, in Eremuak #4 magazine, I have put them as they are. Iñaki Imaz asks: “Speaking of the body, in a recent photo I’ve seen you wear a blue work suit like the ones you use in many mechanical factories. Do you get really dirty in the studio?”
The answer doesn't matter. It is best to see their works, they are in the Bilbao Music Racing until March 3, and touch them, even with their eyes.
On Monday afternoon, I had already planned two documentaries carried out in the Basque Country. I am not particularly fond of documentaries, but Zinemaldia is often a good opportunity to set aside habits and traditions. I decided on the Pello Gutierrez Peñalba Replica a week... [+]
The search, the continuous search for a path, implies discovering what we do not want or expect. An artist should feed this appetizing search if he wants to keep his spirit alive. Your career is also going to need a big head office. Looking for new ways, uncovering and expanding... [+]
I get contradictions in art competitions. On the one hand, they place artists and works of art within the dynamics of competitiveness, leaving aside the transformative and collective character of art and placing them within the mercantilist logics, but it cannot sometimes be... [+]
Eskuin muturreko ekintzaileei leporatu diete eskultura bandalizatu izana: Hau kaka euskalduna da idatzi dute frantsesez, eta Heil pepito agur nazia margotu. Jean-René Etxegarai auzapezak jakinarazi du salaketa jarriko dutela. Gainera, Frantziako Alderdi Komunistaren... [+]
In the Plaza de los Fueros de Vitoria-Gasteiz there is a new metal sculpture that welcomes the exhibition of Nestor Basterretxea (Bermeo, 1924 – Hondarribia, 2014). The exhibition brings together more than 300 works created by artists from different areas, such as posters,... [+]