I'll just make a brief chronology of our relationship using memory, that is, without researching the topic on the net. The new word appeared in my life in the spring of 2017, in my house: Glyphosate. Along the road of total intrusion, it was presented in the unsolicited supplement of a purchase of organic products. I did no more than look over. I didn't feel bad because I didn't know anything about it. A lot of issues go unnoticed. The traveler sitting on the train is spared most of the landscape by an environment that is outside the window. I understand that the key to my attention was that the collection of signatures should be at European level. Since that request to ban a toxic pesticide in Europe, I understood that it could be a carcinogen for humans, which surely had serious consequences for biodiversity. And something else that always makes me feel powerless: that research on pesticides should not prescribe or fund the pesticide industry, but the regulator itself. “Ejem, the known!” There was room for four signatures, and as it was a European popular initiative, I came up with asking for signatures from the parents who were coming to visit us. I hung the form in the kitchen until they came.
They signed. But if I have to tell you everything, I am suspicious. Let's see what that glyphosate was. They didn't know about it, and I wanted to know what I knew. It's not my business, really. We send signatures with more than a million Europeans. I had heard the print of a mother from the nursery, who goes with me to Yoga... Apparently, glyphosate was circulating without making much noise, but at regular intervals.
I had news of yours about half a year. With the vote in favour (with surprise) of Noren and the conservative agriculture minister of Germany! ), that the authorisation for the use of glyphosate would be extended in Europe over the next five years. As Eta leads the Socialist Party against the veto of the Ministry of the Environment, while the coalition of the two major parties was in force, and yet, in breach of the rules of that coalition. When the Merkel party, by failing the negotiations to reach a German government with the colour of Jamaica, had to begin to probe with those betrayed socialists. “Dear Mom?” When all this fuss appeared in the press, the anti-glyphosate attitude clearly laid down an argument: the destruction of species. Even if we are not experts, we have to start taking certain concepts seriously.
Between Christmas and Christmas, it was several weeks before I heard the glyphosate again. Germany still does not have a new coalition (it may not need it) and a friend woke me up this morning, on the phone, with some 300 tractors passing in front of her house. I hear her daughter behind, agitated, “Traktor! Traktor!” As excited as a kid who knows what dinosaurs are would have seen dinosaurs from the window. My friend, the mother of the child, is also excited, she didn't remember there was a demonstration, we could go together. I knew nothing about the demonstration, the ban on another crop and glyphosate, but I could not go with it on the order of the children's flu.
I have received my friend’s balance sheet by sending a message: “160 tractors”. One from Augsburg. A lot of people come from the south. We have to start with the bee count.” There are issues that are making their way. I said yes, yes, to tell me.
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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
Badakizuenok badakizue, beste gauza asko bezala, euskararen aldeko borrokan ere politikoek, eragile batzuek eta hedabideek beraien antzezlana saldu nahi digutela, benetakoa balitz bezala.
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