In general, what strikes me most in an opera is undoubtedly the musical aspect. But we must not forget (we must not forget it, rather) that the opera is considered a “complete spectacle”, that is, theatre, music, fantasy… With all this, the opera is a spectacle that comes out of a cocktail. So when we find good singers, with a little orchestra, under the direction of a smart director, and we also enjoy an exceptional stage direction, then we find ourselves in another dimension.
This is what we found this time at the Euskalduna Palace. The Manon de Massenet opera is the third title of the ABAO season and was a real treat for the big screen. Most important reason: A light but not superficial view, provided by scene director Arnaud Bernard and scenographer Alessandro Camera, which allows to direct the singers to perfection and at the same time use simple and original resources of the stage. Sometimes the depth and emotion that music and letters want to express don't come to a successful conclusion if the right visual means are not used. In this manon we feel the loneliness of the characters among the people, the contradictions of the protagonists, the illusions and disillusions of each, the thoughts… And not only through music, but also through the isolated spaces that appeared on the stage, and above all thanks to the expressive interpretations of the characters.
However, beware, let us not think that the musical aspect was small, let alone. All the soloists were perfectly, and some of them surprised their listeners. American tenor Michael Fabiano made a wonderful Chevalier des Grieux. His voice sounded clear, sang at every moment boldly, giving him the best of himself, and giving away moving scenes like Je suis seul or Ah, fuyez douce image.
Moldovan soprano Irina Lungu also offered a delicate, tender Manon with many doubts. He sang the shiny arias. I would highlight the Adieu, notre petite table or the Duo with Des Grieux in the second edition. Lower Roberto Tagliavini also performed well, with a successful Comte des Grieux.
On the Verum Symphony Orchestra and, above all, on the director Alain Guingal, you can say nothing but good things. The voices were carefully accentuated, with a fair volume. And the Bilbao Opera Choir, under the direction of Boris Dujin, acted precisely.
They got big ovations. Deserved.
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