John was not a lame; he was a professional footballer, he played on the left band and was one of the fastest players of his time in placing the ball. He played in the celtic and ATLÉTICO de Madrid, among other teams, in the 1920s. After leaving football, he moved to Catalonia with his family and started working in Hacienda, to supplement his income, in the black market, and also as a mediator.
But it was in the early 1940s that the interest of international organizations to spy on the Germans woke up. In the last issue of Sapiens magazine, the file of the London National Archive has been researched to find out the whereabouts of Lecube.
According to MI6 reports, he was recruited by the Nazis in October 1941 and trained until May 1942. He boarded the first of June in Barcelona, on the road to Panama, but was arrested on 17 June by the British in the Trinity. Several messages from Germany were intercepted and had been chasing Lecube for months. For them it was one of the most important and dangerous agents that traversed the Atlantic at the service of the Germans. At the time of his arrest he was carrying material for making invisible ink, as well as names and addresses of other agents of the German intelligence service.
By order of the Minister of the Interior of Churchill's Cabinet, Herbert Morrison, he was transferred to the United Kingdom and introduced at the 020 enclosure on 4 October 1942. The harsh British interrogations were useless. They also launched a special plan called Squealer, in which another agent was used as a bait and a bomb was dropped.
Lecub repeatedly asked the Spanish ambassador and the Minister of the Interior of England to release her, and denounced the treatment she had received. But they didn't get any information from him. “Lecube has been the most difficult and problematic prisoner we have ever had in the entire war. We have failed in all efforts to achieve the declaration,” a report of 10 August 1945 said. The war was over and was deported to Spain.
After obtaining the title of coach, Lleida and Condal were trained in their last years. ==Death==He died in Barcelona on 2 May 1966.
Born 27 June 1944. The German soldiers carried out a raid on a small town of about 80 inhabitants of Zuberoa. Eight people died on the spot and nineteen were arrested, all civilians, nine of whom would be deported and only two would survive from the concentration camps in which... [+]
Genocide is unfortunately a fashionable word. According to Rafael Lemkin’s definition in 1946, genocide is defined as “actions aimed at the total or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” These actions may include “killing the members of... [+]
Karl Adolf Eichmann (Solingen, Imperio alemán, 1906 - Ramdel, Israel, 1962) foi o oficial superior das SS da Alemaña nazi, especialmente coñecido polo seu nomeamento como “responsable loxístico” da chamada Última Solución ou Última Solución. A planificación do... [+]