Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Issuing of 120 young people to activate the use of the Basque Country

  • Young people aged 16-17 will meet in July on the Quetzal Route. They will cross Euskal Herria and the main condition is that they are Euskaldunes. The organizers are a dozen young people from different parts of the Basque Country.
Mauletik Getxorako ibilbidearen nondik norakoak.
Mauletik Getxorako ibilbidearen nondik norakoak.

The organizers expressed this during the presentation of the project: “In the juvenile stage, many new relationships are made and it is very important to influence the linguistic habits of these relationships”. EuskarAbentura wants to influence the linguistic activation of the young speakers, this is the main objective of the project that has joined the year of Euskaraldia (by surprise).

Young people who participate in the adventure will have to write a letter of motivation and do work on the three themes that will be discussed in the adventure. The topics of work are the Basque and the women, the Basque and your people, the Basque and the sea. Works can be historical, literary, plastic, musical and audiovisual. The deadline for sending the letter and the work ends on March 18 and the team promoting the adventure will carry out the evaluations together with Eusko Ikaskuntza. On 16 April the list of 120 young people travelling to the Basque Country will be known. Young people may belong to seven countries and belong to the diaspora, since the only condition is to know Basque.

In July 2018, they will tour Euskal Herria following the Camino de Santiago and visiting the caves and bridges declared a world heritage by UNESCO.

In addition to promoting the use of Euskera, EuskarAbentura has other objectives, such as knowing more about the Basque territory and forming a network of young Euskaldunes. They shall be Economic Sponsors: BBK, New Aquitaine Region, Basque Government, Government of Navarra, Eurorregion Aquitaine Euskadi-Navarra, Jaso Foundation and Getxo City Hall.

Maule to Getxo

The expedition will depart from Maule and follow the French Way of Santiago. In Viana, they will stop walking and head for transport to Álava, to continue along the Camino del Interior of Santiago. After arriving at Irun, they will head to Baiona in a new leap and from there, following the French Way of Santiago, they will end their one-month adventure in Getxo. Special stops will also be made in areas declared a world heritage site, such as the Camino de Santiago in Navarre and the caves of Altxerri, Ekain, Santimamiñe and the Bizkaia bridge in the north of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia.


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