On August 1, 2013, Amma-Ammavir implemented the collective agreement of the Spanish State in the headquarters of Betelu and Erro, after the labor reform approved by pp. It imposed new, worse conditions on us in the conviction that we were deficient. This has greatly influenced our pockets. Since 2013, each worker has lost an average of EUR 4,500. Our salaries do not reach EUR 1,000. And all of this working 100 hours more a year: We had 1,692 working hours before 2013 and 1,792 now.
This measure has not been applied to the rest of the residences of Amma-Ammavir in Navarra. There is therefore clear discrimination between workers in the same group. It is not fair that we work more and receive less money. In addition, there is not enough staff. Substitutions cannot be made and there are workers who are forced to double shifts. In Betelu there are few people willing to act under these conditions. And nobody wants to come from outside. After all, the conditions are much better in the residences of Pamplona, and people prefer to be there. We cannot find a nurse, because she would charge 300 euros less at home, so many times we have to take care of the nursing work.
We have tried to talk to Amma-Amavir, but you have not heard us. I will soon be three years as a trade union delegate, and I have not been able to do so. We feel forgotten and marginalized. We have asked the company for annual accounts to check whether we are deficient or not. Well, we've only had the 2015 accounts passed. As explained, the headquarters of Betelu is profitable, on the contrary, the company has a large debt and absorbs our profitability. So we will always be deficient.
In fact, the nursing home in Betelu is an independent company. Amma-Amavir has a 67% stake. It is the one that determines all the conditions, because management is in your hands. The City Hall has 33% of the property, and it must be stressed that it allocates public money to the company in a precarious situation. When we were included in the state convention, the City Hall collaborated with Amavir. Then we have asked him for help on several occasions, but he has gone from us.
A great step forward has been taken in Bizkaia. In the residences they had better conditions than here before signing the agreement, and now they are in a better position. Reaching here is our goal. They were supported by the Basque Government, which refused to negotiate. But we don't have it. The Government of Navarre has 25 seats in our headquarters and should therefore be involved. The present government is interested in talking to us, but at the moment it is not possible to renew the agreement. Entrepreneurs have preferred the former government, and through an agreement with it, we have armored contracts until 2018.
We know where we are. Amma de Navarra was created by UPN and Caja Navarra. It was then purchased by the Caixa Bank, which sold it to the company Maisons de Famille. The economic benefits are ahead of everything. It's a pity. All we are asking is that there should be no discrimination between the residences of the same group. Under the present conditions, we cannot offer a quality service.
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