Kaixo Bego. The appearance of mushrooms clearly indicates that there is moisture. But there are also many lives on this earth. This is what you look for on earth when you cheat plants.
The problem may be that this humidity is excessive and that drying plants are put in place. To cope with it, make peaks on the planks or in the orchard areas. Raise the land with woods, stones or whatever to flee from that moisture and become more spongy and dry land.
It has small, hairy leaves on the bottom and extends the head between 20 and 40 cm. It's known as Bulgarian Viagra, Scarid Sideritis. It's a blue-like plant, because its hair gives it a bluish color. It lives in the rocky spots of the high mountains and everyone who has lived in... [+]
"Pain is pain, it's not guindilla, it's skirts and it's not lady, it's burrs and it's not man." It is an invention received by the fraile Kandido Izagirre. The answer, as she says: chives. The onion or the trick, Allium cepa, has just crouched. The onion has an upright moño leaf on... [+]
Hiri handitik ezin ateratzeak ernatu du nigan berde behar bitxi bat, orain artean sekula ezagutu gabea. Ados, beti izan zait atsegingarri berdetasuna begiestea mendian, basoan, golf zelaian, baina oraingo hau da, seguru obligazioak behartua, ia-ia bitala, arnasten dugun airea... [+]
AEBetako hiri baratzeei buruzko erreportajeetan jende beltzik ikusi baduzu seguru izan dela bazterketa sozialari aurre egiteko edo ezintasunen bat duten pertsonak bergizarteratzeko programaren baten baitan. Baina beltz bat abeltzain edo gari soro baten jabe? Aldiz, historian ez... [+]