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The era of margins, once and for all

22 December 2017
Argazkia: Dani Blanco.
Argazkia: Dani Blanco.Argazkia: Dani Blanco.

I still have to digest BEC. What a great ending the octet has given us! It starts and ends. Thank you very much and thank you very much, you have made us live a great day!

I am therefore very pleased, very pleased that I had taken off the crackles left by the championship on Sunday; that of Maialen Lujanbio. My friends, the road has been beautiful, but sometimes the stomach has shrunk. In fact, I don't know if you know it, but in the Bertsolaris Championship, we're barely measuring who is the one who sings best (yes, forgive if, throw out braust). Well, that's also measured, but we're talking about another parameter, other meanings. At the end of BTN we decided, agreed and accepted many things (apart from what best does in bertsos).

Because we decide what culture is. Because we decide what it is to speak in Basque or how it should be done. We decide and set the trend that will prevail. Concept of bertsos. What is beautiful and what an attempt at beauty. What melody is nice, and so what melody is going to survive in the square and which one is not. What view of the world is appreciated. What affects Euskal Herria and what affects the world. How girls come this year. What are the current social issues? What is political and what is not. What is humor, what can we laugh at and what can't (even if laughter escapes). To what extent we are going to accept this feminism, or where we put the limit on it. What is fiction and what it is to sing from the brow. Who represents us culturally. What we are. How much we love (and use) Euskera (and we should). Whether it's OK or not in the transmission. Objectivity of the Judges. What to bring to the center and what to leave behind.

More or less.

And on Sunday, this people decided, once again (I would say with a few years of work) who wants to be replaced. In one of the most sublime expressions of Basque culture, who leads the leadership, and although we do not know it well, where Bertsolarism leads.

No, at BEC, every four years we don't decide who does best in bertsos. Every four years we make a social pact (more or less consensus) and decide who is going to talk about us and who is going to talk about us and what.

So you'll understand that not only am I happy with Lujanbio, but I'm crazy about it. I thank Lujanbio, from the inside, for what I did, but the public, this community in Euskera, has assumed the voice of a transgender, yonki, slut, migrant, racialized through a collective pact, which makes me feel very proud. It is known, my love, that I love the corners above nothing. Thank you, therefore, to Lujanbio and to all those of us who have ratified this pact. I wish you well.

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