The agriculture sector around the world is becoming increasingly important. It's strategic to build the future. From now on, wars are no longer won with money, weapons or armies, but are won with hunger. Multinationals that accumulate money are buying land, privatizing water, patenting the use of seeds, spreading polluting GMOs, promoting plant varieties that need synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, etc. The road is clear: no matter how to kill the land, no matter how to pollute the environment, no matter how much biodiversity is depleted, no matter how much society is getting sick; we have our pockets full, filled, filled.
We used to call it industrial agriculture, we renamed it a long time ago; now it's capitalist agriculture. This agriculture does not produce food, it produces money. Profit is not bread, profit is money. And Europe is moved by greed.
More than half a century ago we were sold the “green revolution”, in which industrial agriculture, with all its chemicals and poisons, would equate hunger in the world. The result is in the mouth of half a hungry world and the other half sick: climate change, land sterilization, rising poverty, burning the planet...
Glyphosate is the one that best reflects this war. It is a tremendous herbicide, which relieves the work of the farmer and asks him to use it; in return, we are burning the future of all of us. These peasants know that he is a murderer, that they are burning the land and the future of their descendants. The technical staff of the companies of the administration are worse: in the distance offices it is decided to use glyphosate on the railways – as in the photo – roads, sidewalks and plazas. And scientists, whitening agents of whiteness.
In 2015, the World Health Organization, through the International Agency for Research on Cancer, issued a ruling in which glyphosate is likely to cause cancer. There was a formidable movement to prevent its use, and more than a million signatures were collected. Useless. The greedy Europe has won.
But don't despair. It's in our hands: eating eco-friendly. And stop looking towards Europe and start to silence councillors, mayors, MEPs, technicians, farmers, etc. That's right next to us. We have to live, we don't have gliphospates!
Glifosatoa baliatzeko hamar urteko luzapena babestu du Europako Batzordeak. Herbizida gisa munduan gehien erabiltzen den produktu kimikoa da, eta potentzialki minbizi sortzaile izateagatik ezaguna da.
Europako Batzordeak 2022. urtearen amaierara arte eta baldintzarik gabe luzatuko du glifosatoaren baimena, EBko Landare, Animalia, Elikagai eta Pentsuen Batzordean (SCoPAFF) estatu kideek horren alde bozkatu eta gero. Eurolegebiltzarrak eskatua zuen bost urte barrurako erabat... [+]
2016ko hasieratik bosgarren aldiz, Europako Batzordeak ez du lortu EBko estatu kideen gehiengoa glifosato herbizidari baimena luzatzearen alde agertzea. Indarrean dagoen baimena aurtengo abenduaren 31n iraungiko da, eta beste hamar urterako berritu nahi du Batzordeak,... [+]
Urriaren 25ean glifosato herbizidaren merkaturatze-baimena luzatu edo eteteaz bozkatuko dute Europar Batasuneko estatu kideek. Aurtengo abenduaren 31n iraungiko da gaur egun indarrean dagoen baimena, eta Europako Batzordeak beste hamar urterako berritzea proposatu du, 2015ean... [+]