The new caramel was created specifically to be taken with tea of five, since until then the cookies they consumed daily had an unpleasant tendency to get wet and get rid of immediately. On the contrary, Peek, produced by the company Frean & Co, remained dignified and crisp in the sinks. The product was already ready before the wedding, but they needed good publicity to dazzle British consumers. It was not the first candy that had the name of a known person of the time; Queen Victoria, Prince Albert or Garibaldi also had their cookies. Thus, in relation to the real family, the product had an easier path in the British market, first, and later abroad.
An erroneous version of the origin of the Maria cookies has been extended for a long time: They were invented by Spanish Eugenio Fontaneda and gave them the name of his granddaughter Mary. But the first Maria cookies consumed in Spain were produced by Peek & Frean himself. However, imported biscuits were very expensive, 5.5 pesetas per kilo.
The first cookies María del Estado español were produced in Gipuzkoa, in the village of Olibet, in Errenteria. The factory, founded in 1886, had mechanical talers, laminators and the first chain furnaces of the State. So the price went down in half, to 2.5 pesetas a kilo, but it was still a luxury product. At least for the writer Juan Ramón Jiménez. Writer and linguist Zenobia Camprubi, in exile, wrote to editor Juan Guerrero Ruiz: “The biggest surprise J.R.rentzat would be the María Olibet cookies, which always consider them legendary and inaccessible.”
Later on, Artiach and Fontaneda, founded in Bilbao in 1907, began making Marías. But the real thrust of the biscuits, under the shelter of Franco, would occur after the end of the war of 36. In the 1950s, the overproduction of flour and sugar was destined for the dominant industry in Castilla-La Mancha, mainly Palencia, and the regime wanted to make María one of the symbols of economic recovery in Spain.
But the Maria phenomenon also spread to other countries, as the cost went down. They are currently produced in more than 40 countries in the world. And by surname, almost everyone has the name of the great duchess: Maria, Marie, Marietta, Mariya, Mariebon, Mariakaje, Mariekekekekekekekekekekekekeks...
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Japan, 8th century. In the middle of the Nara Era they began to use the term furoshiki, but until the Edo Era (XVII-XIX. the 20th century) did not spread. Furoshiki is the art of collecting objects in ovens, but its etymology makes its origin clear: furo means bath and shiki... [+]
In an Egyptian mummy of 3,300 years ago, traces of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that caused the Justinian plague in the 6th century and the Black Plague in the 14th century, have just been found.
Experts until now believed that at that time the plague had spread only in... [+]
Greenland, the end of the 10th century. The first Scandinavian explorers and settlers arrived on the island. But by the 15th century these settlements had been abandoned and the original Inuit remained. But in 1721, the missionary Hans Egede organized an expedition and the... [+]
Tafallan, nekazal giroko etxe batean sortu zen 1951. urtean. “Neolitikoan bezala bizi ginen, animaliez eta soroez inguratuta”. Nerabe zelarik, 'Luzuriaga’ lantegian hasi zen lanean. Bertan, hogei urtez aritu zen. Lantegian ekintzaile sindikala izan zen;... [+]