But neither Laika nor Albert II were the first animals to cross this man-made border.
On February 20, 1947, the V-2 rocket was launched at the White Sands Missile Range military base (New Mexico, USA). United States ), which carried, together with maize seeds, several vinegar flies (drosophila melanogaster). The rocket reached 109 kilometers from the Earth's surface, three minutes and ten seconds away, so they were the first flies to come into space. This V-2 rocket was captured by the Americans to the Germans at the end of World War II, as a war booty. Therefore, this feat was achieved thanks to the technology developed by the Nazis.
The objective of the mission of vinegar flies was to analyze the influence of these trips, especially height, acceleration and radiation. The immune system of flies and humans is similar and, in addition, flies reproduce rapidly, allowing to study the effects of space travel on living beings of several generations.
In the 1947 mission, when it reached space, the V-2 rocket launched the Blossom capsule and the capsule fell into the atmosphere. The friction of the air, first, and a parachute later, stopped the capsule and retrieved the first astronaut flies alive, unlike the poor Albert II and Laika.
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