The journalist is used to preparing questions, organizing them, making them and writing narration. But this time it's been up to you to answer the ARGIA questions. Elhuyar Aholkularitza has carried out a study on culture, identity and identity from three projects in the Basque Country: Ikastolen Elkartea, Elkar and ARGIA.
In the words of Imanol Azkue, by Elhuyar Aholkularitza, the objective of the study has been “to know the influence of identity in the processes of social innovation in the territory and, above all, in those that have to do with the revitalization of the Basque Country”. Three Euskalgintza projects that work in very different aspects and share a similar era, as they have worked in the last 40-50 years. Someone may ask: “Why the LIGHT? There will be many more that worked at that time, right?” I have also asked Azkue that question, and here is the answer: “In the Basque media, ARGIA is one of the main references: it has a long history and experience, it has been an adaptation of the time, it has been innovative in many ways, it is committed to the environment, it is sovereign, it gathers the great community (workers, collaborators, subscribers)… and ARGIA meets the selection criteria we put in.”
They have not analyzed each association or group in general, but have analyzed concrete works or steps. In the case of ARGIA, they have focused on the creation of the Ametzagaña group, the jump to the Internet and the management model. The process has lasted several months and several meetings have taken place, as the three study topics will not be counted in two hours.
With regard to the conclusions, Azkue explained that this is a three-year project and that it is not yet complete. But in the analysis they have offered us some data that they value as significant, which conclude that many of the values are repeated, such as the culture of the auzolan that is at the base of the projects, the participation, which have emerged from the popular initiative, which have been ethical, fair institutions, that have been able to adapt to the new realities, times and situations, the importance of the networks of relationships in this type of projects...
Elhuyar plans to present all the work next year.
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