In any case, these concerns have been reflected in a different narrative architecture. Far away is the touch of the culture camp of the Impossible Suitcases. Away is T's style of essay (the joy of tragedy). Although in Alegría Aldrebesa there have been pieces of reflection, there has been some patch of theoretical thought, on this occasion it has maintained the balance, and the strength of the novel resides in the solid and conflictive identities of the characters.
The story revolves around the relationships of affection and skin that occur between Joseba Aldaz and Axi Iminizaldu. From night to morning Joseba is the guardian of Axi (after Axi lost his memory for a heart attack), a milestone that leads him to rethink the couple's story. By doing so, we are unaware of the rivalries, tensions and complicity of both lovers over a period of twenty years. The increase in age also leads Joseba to reflect on the life model chosen, rooted in the consolidation of a social model (autonomous institutions, consumer society, family structures, etc. ). It recalls, among other things, the internal conflicts of the gay community (the issue of political identity, sexual roles, misogynist tendencies, the question of fidelity…). In this sense, Joseba's time of mourning is in dialogue with other situations of grief: Rites of mourning and pain of the LGBT community in the era of the AIDS conflict; rites of mourning and lessons of mourning of the victims of the armed conflict in Euskal Herria; etc.
On the other hand, the relationship between Joseba and Axi is framed in a network of contacts that connects us to friends and friends, partners and family. Strong identities are also represented in this affective network: Txato, faithful to Joseba's conscience and spokesperson for Ética Marika; Lander, member of Lokarri, who lives the moments of nobiliary pain; Begoña, Director of Promotion of Culture and trained in the tricks of power; etc. In this group of friends there are cures, jactances and infidelities, but above all we are represented the fragility of the characters, despite living in an effort to cover this vulnerability and enjoy self-deception, self-management or self-pity.
The novel takes us from one side to the other, in times and places, but all the pieces are very well sewn and the novel guides you until you become a silent accomplice of the characters.
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Itzulpena: Leire Lakasta
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